Chapter Twelve

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(One month later)

(Alison POV)

"Girls it's time to for breakfast," I say from the bottom of the stairs.

"Coming" I heard them running coming laughing

"No running before someone breaks something," I said sternly

They walked into the kitchen I finish packing their lunches and set book bags.

"Do you know when mom is coming? " Elizabeth asked

Since the entire Julie thing Emily has been MIA haven't been over to see the kids and its starting to seriously piss me off I mentally rolled my eyes

"No sweetheart I sure she will soon" I smiled

They sigh and frown and walked to get their bags and lunches

I open the car and lock it up the house and walked down opening their doors and buckling them up and getting in I drove drop them off at school and text Pam asking if Emily was home when she answers yes I picked up her favorite things and some movies.

I park in the field driveway and got out of the car walking up the driveway pm came out the door

"She on the chair she barely moves since the Julie thing," Pam said

"Go on to work I got this covered"I smiled

"Make sure she showers"

"I will can you get the girls after school and just bring them here " Pam nob and walked off I walked into the house and up to Emily's room taking out a sweat, sports bra and walk into her bathroom lighting candles and running a bath pour bubbles and bath salts.

I walked downstairs and Emily is looking at a mess of hair everywhere it looks matted and she smelled like she hasn't shower for 2 days the ground has empty bottles of alcohol and pizza Boxes.

I picked up everything cleaning the floor I walked to Emily's room and got out her comb and shampoo conditioner knowing her hair haven't washed in ages walking down and going into the kitchen to make pasta.

Then it's finally time to wake up the beast.

I walked over and raise her head putting her in my lap rubbing her forehead she groans and stir and then lay on her back and I was met with the beautiful brown obs I frown at the eyes that were once filled with happiness is only covered with sadness.

"Hi," I said

"Hey what are you doing here" Emily turn and put her face on my thigh inhaling

"I am here to take care of you. I clean up and I made you lunch and I run you a bath" I said

"You didn't need to," Emily said

"I had to because the kids miss you and I can't take that
Disappointed look that they five, when I say you're not visiting it, hurts, Yes you're going through a breakup but Julie doesn't deserve you" Emily raised and stare into my eyes

She sighs and snuggle her face a little bit up my skirt and inhale

"You smell like vanilla " Emily giggled

"Are you high get your head out of my skirt" I raise my eyebrow.

Emily groan and pout like a teenager

I grab her hand and tug her to go upstairs.

"Where are we going"Emily whined

"You're going to take bath I am going to untangled the mat on your head and your gonna have a nice meal and play with your kids when they get here" I rolled my eyes opening up the bathroom door.

(Emily POV)

"Turn around," I said taking off my shirt

"It's not like I never saw before"Alison chuckle

"Just turn the fuck around"I rolled my eyes

"Jeez don't get your panties in a Bunch" Alison laughed "You know what's funny you don't wear them" Alison throw her head back laughing turning around.

I chuckle and shake my head and step into the bathtub "okay I am done"

Alison turn around and bite her lips and smiled before sitting at t end of the tub she took a washcloth and lather me with body wash she wet my hair and shampoo it and rinse she then put conditioner massaging my scalp

"Mhm that feels so good" I moan out

Alison put my hair up in a bun

"Your hair is matted luckily you don't have to cut it" Alison laughed"And we know how much you love your beautiful mermaid hair"

My heart stops and my eyes widen at the nickname I forgot to breathe. Then I chuckle and sigh she rinse my hair and left bringing in clothes telling me to get ready I got out drying my skin and changing quickly and walking downstairs.

"Do you have ice cream I am craving strawberry and vanilla" Alison said

"Are you pregnant " I laughed

Alison paused and chuckle

"No way I didn't get any cravings until I was 5months I ate fun dip dust on pickles and a lot of Fry kingfish now I can't even eat it" Alison laughed

I sighed " Can you tell me more about when you were pregnant its only 1 pm" I said knowing the kids get

"I didn't have a baby bump till 5months also and then when it was six months my stomach shoot out and was huge"Alison laughed handing me a bowl of pasta

"What juice do you want to drink, "Alison asked

"Grapefruit, so what else did you crave, " I asked

"Fry potato not like fries you just fry the potato's with seasoning and salt you frying it in a little oil" Alison explain

"Did you eat healthily?" I asked Alison rolled her eyes

"Not really I ate sometimes I guess, "Alison said taking my bowl and eating from it

"Alison you now ate 5 scoops of ice cream and your eating my pasta now"I rolled my eyes.

"Yes, I am hungry young lady" Alison handed me back my bowl and drink my juice I rolled my eye.

I take up the napkin and wipe her mouth.

"Thank you" Alison smiled

"So I took a bath I ate what now, "I asked cleaning the dishes

"We can watch movies I brought some of your favorite Disney movies and snacks," Alison said walking picking up a bag

"Did you get the Incredibles " I asked jumping on the chair

"Yes, that's one of your favorites " Alison laugh putting in the DVD I chuckle and moved over and snuggle into her chest rubbing her stomach.

"Am Emily what are you doing?" Alison asked

"Cuddling and watching a movie shh, "I said

"Yeah I know but why are you rubbing my belly," Alison asked

"Do you ever want a no the baby Alison?" I asked thinking about how a mini boy version of Alison.

"Yes another girl will be fine " Alison smiled

"Not a boy, "I asked

"I don't think I can raise my boy alone" She chuckles

"Oh, I get it, thanks for doing this today" I kissed her stomach.

"Your welcome anything to make you feel better I hope you feel better by now," Alison said

"I do and I can't wait to we the girls" I smiled.

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