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اس سلیقے سے یاد آ تے ہو
جیسے بارش ہو وقفے وقفے سے


A swarm of murky, chaotic clouds pervading the midday sky and the loud rumbling emitting through them prompted him to stop in his tracks.

Haroon looked at the ever-darkening sky through the glassy window of the cafe he was about to stride out of. In a blink of his inky eyes, a crystal drop of water graced the outer screen of the window, leisurely trailing down until it was soon joined by the countless drops of water, rolling into a stream.

Lightning split the sky, clouds growled and it started pouring.

The faces of people around him bloomed in delightful smiles at the arrival of the first rain of July; some of them rushing outside to relish in the blessing of nature, and some of them scurrying to find a shade but Haroon's visage strained into melancholy because, for him, the rain fell like memories.

Her memories.

The smell of petrichor wafted through his senses and transposed into a familiar fragrance of presence.

Her presence.

The thrumming sound of water hitting the ground played like a song of absence.

Her absence.

And, whenever it rained, it ached.

His heart ached with excruciating longing; his soul shattered into pieces and each piece yearned for her.

He had met her for the first time on a rainy day like that.

Standing outside his college campus, soaked from head to toe with his clothes vexatiously sticking to his skin and the prickling cold seeping in, he had been a picture of misery.

Nothing was going right that day. First, he had failed to win the tennis championship he had participated in and then he was failing to find a shelter―or conveyance to go back home.

A string of curses left his lips as he kept getting drenched when suddenly it stopped raining over him and a spectrum of colours appeared over his head.

Startled, he swerved his head and came across a woman standing beside him, her sylphlike fingers holding the umbrella covering his frame.

It was her.

Her, with dreamy black eyes. Her, with delicately carved features. Her, with faintly damp tendrils of brown hair alluringly swaying with the wind.

"Seems like you don't like the rain so much," her mellifluous voice had dominated his aural against the thrashing sound of rain.

"It's a pain," he had managed to murmur somehow.

"I think it washes away the pain and misery." She had said that with a lovely tilt of her head, looking into his eyes with a little smile touching upon her lips.

He couldn't look away.

And then, the moment had been broken by the honking sound of a car.

"Keep it." She had handed over the umbrella to him despite his reluctance and protests and shielding her face from the violent drops of water with her hands, she was ready to sprint towards the car.

But before leaving, she had turned around in the rain to face him.

"Hey, you can't have a rainbow without the rain." Pointing her finger up, implying to the multi-coloured umbrella of hers he was holding, she had given him the most breathtaking smile nothing in the world could rival.

Rain In My Heart ✓Where stories live. Discover now