Wizards didn't exactly belong in the halves. Certainly, they would find their way in from time to time but they were always considered to be something other. Oh certainly there was the initial gender divide but warlocks were welcome, wizards though were met with a certain distrust. Something that probably sprang from the animosity between Thandre and The Guild. It wasn't something the Witchfather spoke about however his complete and utter distaste for tame magic was tangible. 

Whatever conflict had occurred between them it was so old that it might as well be engraved into the very stones of the guild. Vern might have been surprised to know that particular metaphor was a bit more literal than he could have imagined.

Vern stepped out into the dim light of day and let his eyes adjust. He noticed for the first time that the light inside the cabin was somewhat brighter than the light outside. It made him feel edgy that Thandre had accidentally created light in his bid to create the cabin. In his distraction, he didn't notice the bells. Once he snapped back into reality they were jarring and painful to listen to. The people in the street looked tired, many were wearing their winter ear coverings to block out the sound. The next thing he noticed was the very distinct smell of smoke, it was faint this far into The Halves but wherever the fire was he could tell it was big. 

Donnie if he were awake would have been very much able to pinpoint the source of the smoke. The stables were burning and the guilds horses, carts, carriages and wagons were either bolting through the streets, being stolen, or burning. The stables were the most exposed part of the guild and not hidden behind the great layers of white marble that denoted what could be considered the original heart of the guild. He sat propped up awkwardly in what might have once been considered a comfy chair at the large oval table in the centre of the room. He was in one of the safest parts of the guild if not for any reason other than the fact that Prebble was in there too. The wizard sighed and looked at the young man who was passed out in the chair and was relieved that Donnie's barrier had at least meant he'd had time to sleep himself. Now the flickering barriers of the apprentices were back and covering a much smaller area. 

The lad had only been gone a few days and he was producing better barriers than any of the certified wizards of the guild. Prebble felt frankly embarrassed by it all. Barriers were such a basic skill and not a single guild member could use them. Even he couldn't produce a barrier with the size and stability needed to protect the guild. He could create a rather sturdy one over small areas but that wasn't any good right now. He doubted the guild would lose to a bunch of civilians, but it would impact their reputation. He looked out the window at the burning stables and with some pride and amusement saw his favourite mount kick the man trying to steal him in the head, felling them with ease. It wasn't the most noble-looking beast, it was wiry and a dull grey with a cropped mane. It was also the most spiteful beast he'd ever encountered, anyone foolish enough to walk behind it would undoubtedly lose their teeth and the stable hands did the absolute minimum to keep him groomed. The creature tolerated him but for reasons, only the horse knew it adored Miss Primm. She did not adore it.

Eventually, the beast bolted the stable yard, following a small explosion. The fire most likely found the stable master's barrel of ale. He surveyed the room, at some point Abigial had found herself a chair in the corner of the room and was taking a nap. It was good if they both slept in shifts, despite her lack of magic there wasn't anyone in the guild Prebble would rather have handy in a fight. Miss Primm, despite her immaculate presentation and stiff manners, fought dirty. 

Once he got high enough Vern could tell with ease where the smoke was coming from and was convinced he'd just heard a small explosion as well. He looked at the smoking building and just knew that Donnie would be there. Although he didn't know much about the other man and had shown very little interest in him Vern knew that Donnie was the sort of person who couldn't just wait and see. It was the whole reason he had ended up in the halves, he couldn't watch a stranger die and Vern would be any money that Donnie still had friends in the guild to protect too.

He quickly rushed back to the cabin and left a note for Thandre. Praying that both he and Shae would return quickly. Then he ran out into the street and down the twisting alleyways until he reached the quietest edge of The Halves. He created a small barrier around himself and headed towards the guild, he kept a hood over his dark blue hair and moved in the shadows, something that was a lot harder in streets with daylight.

When he eventually arrived his heart dropped. The mob were throwing themselves at the heavy iron gates that led into the main building. Wizards stood at the top of walls and balls of fire and ice were falling from the sky and into the street. Scattered were bodies from both sides, A few members of the mob were sane enough to be dragging away the wounded. Vern knew that after this the city would never be safe for magic folk again. It was becoming a massacre. There was no barrier around the building and Vern wondered now he was here how it was he planned on getting inside the fortress. There had to be another entrance or exit somewhere, perhaps one in the stables. He began to search getting closer to the source of the smoke. 

Prebble was only giving the stable yard a casual glance now and then. Since the explosion, nobody had ventured back towards it and anything of interest had long since passed in that location. He was itching to join in the fighting outside but it wouldn't be the wisest move. There were a lot of faculty members and Masters in various positions throughout the guild who would very much attempt to off him in the confusion. After such strife, the guild simply wouldn't be able to cope if half a dozen of the masters and several of his own more competitive journeymen wound up dead. 

He glanced out the window again. This time somewhat more surprised and a little confused. There was someone in the courtyard at first he thought they were a newly recruited apprentice although the lad did seem a little on the older side. They the hood dropped and he saw the midnight blue hair and the barrier. It was a warlock, Prebble didn't care, if this lad was from the Halves then maybe he was capable of producing a barrier big enough to protect the guild.

Prebble opened the fabric of space carefully and took one step forward.


Authors note:

I'm moving house and starting a new job. However, since I'm slow on the updates anyway this shouldn't actually make a difference. Thank you for reading and sticking with me.

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