𝒙𝒙𝒙𝒊𝒊𝒊. what's twilight?

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       AS USUAL, THE TEAM HAD BEEN CALLED IN FOR ANOTHER CASE. This one regarding a young girl that was murdered and her body was found near the freeway. JJ was now presenting the case to them.

       "The latest victim is Tara Farris, 20. She's the third victim in two weeks. All found on freeway off-ramps by commuters." JJ explains. "Well, he's not hiding them." Hotch adds as the files are passed to them.

         "An LA freeway during morning rush hour? He wants them found." Rossi states. "Quickly." Morgan added on. "Well, they're still dressed. That minimizes the shock value." Emily tells. "Maybe he's concerned for them." Reid tells. "Think he wants them taken care of?" Casey questioned. "No signs of sexual assault on any of the victims." JJ tells.

          "Look how pale she is." Rossi says, looking down at the pictures in front of him. "All of them were severely hypovolemic," JJ tells. "Tara had less than a pint of blood in her."

           Reid speaks next: "Look at this. The first two had more than three pints each. If exsanguination is the goal, the unsub is definitely becoming more proficient."

           "This is new," JJ takes her remote and presses towards the screen. "Tara's the only victim to have a written message." On Tara's arm, blood spelt out the words — "'The Liar.'" 

          "'The Liar'," Emily spoke. "That's strange, isn't it? Not a liar or just 'liar'." Morgan looks down at the file. "So, what did you lie about, Tara?" JJ continued, "All of the victims appear to have been strangled and then bled out through identical wounds in the throat."

          "Wait-- seriously, are those supposed to be fang marks?" Emily indicated towards Tara's next. "All of the wounds on the victims were covered in saliva." JJ told. "Human saliva, as though--"

          Reid finished off, "Someone drank their blood." Casey's stomach twisted, "Ew." Was all she said.

          The team took the jet down to LA and everyone had now been going over the case. JJ and Rossi had been sitting over at their seats, Emily and Hotch in the other seats and Derek, Reid and Casey all on the couch. JJ had finally gotten off the phone.

         "So, they've already set up a task force in Los Angeles." JJ told. "This isn't their first serial case." Rossi says and JJ looks over at Reid. "You remember Detective Owen Kim?"
         "From the stalker case." Hotch added.
         "You remember that case, don't you, Spence?" JJ asked the man and he nods, "I do remember that case."

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