𝒙𝒊𝒗. nice shiner, kid

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CASEY HAD SAT HERSELF IN THE FRONT SEAT AS NANCY LUNDE DROVE DOWN TO COLORADO. She had offered to take the backseat but that had already been reserved to Spencer Reid.

Casey fiddled with her blouse a bit and looked at the dry land to keep the butterflies in her stomach from exploding outside of her stomach.
She was nervous, to say the least. Excited that this would be the first undercover case as an intern but downright scared if she had messed up one little thing and she hoped that nothing would go wrong.

Sure, she had been on cases before with the Bureau but never one she had to be undercover for. Reid had examined the file in front of him as his head peeked through the seat and the filed opened. "Tell us about the 911 call." Reid said, talking to Nancy as she drove.

"I believe the he that they referred to is the church's leader, Benjamin Cyrus." Nancy informed as Reid looked at the file and Casey decided to take a peek at it as well since it had been right in front of her.

"Benjamin Cyrus — no criminal record. No record at all, really." Reid pointed out and Casey nudged her head towards the woman driving. "What else do you know about him?" She asked.

Nancy continued, "It's rumored that he's practicing polygamy and forced marriages." Casey continued as she examined the file. "Any idea who the caller is?" She asked.

"Uh, Jessica Evanson is the one who the age fits, but... we can't be sure, so I negotiated interviews with all the children. It wasn't easy." Nancy explained. "A place like this, I'm sure it wasn't." Casey commented.

"Well, considering their view on outsiders, it would be best if you didn't identify us as FBI." Reid explained so Casey didn't have to. He had handed her the fake ID of her identity of being a child victim interview expert. "Just use our real names and introduce us as Child-Victim Interview Experts." Nancy nodded to the two.

The butterflies in Casey's stomach grew bigger and bigger as Nancy had found the road and parked right in front of the building. Casey took a deep breath before exiting the car and tried her best to look professional and she was pretty much already killing it. The three had noticed a scruff man at the end of the steps of the church. He had a bible in his hand and reading glasses on. Something was already off about the man to Casey. She guessed that it had been just part of being a profiler.

"I'm looking for Mr. Benjamin Cyrus." Nancy told, approaching the man first and Casey had come around the car next to the woman. "You found him." The man answered. "I'm Nancy Lunde." She introduced. "We spoke on the phone, regarding the allegation."

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