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W A Y  B A C K  H O M E | 집으로 돌아가는 길

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W A Y  B A C K  H O M E | 집으로 돌아가는 길


You carefully let go of the thick jacket material. Your eyes met his once again to note the glistening calmness in them, those were telling you not to break the contact again, just keep your visions constant on what you desired then.

Few seconds later, you felt his face cutting the distance between you two, soon your nosetips were just a few inches apart when you gulped lightly while looking at those bossy tinted deep iris. You sensed a kind of inclination towards it, however he said, "Done? Shall we move on now?" He did not seem to be impressed or overwhelmed even though his cornea did not vacant the sight of your wavy plump lips. Yet his cold, fearless respond made you think twice when compared to his expressions. Later he turned around, trotting back to his drenched vehicle.

You stood with an aborted phase of mind. The interior of your skull went all blank as you blinked to digest his duality. How can he be so confident and stern? He is so cool...

"Are you coming or you are planning to give back my coat?"

You shot your orbs at the direction of the voice. "Coming!" you pronounced when you hurried towards the parked motor while pushing your head inside the rain cap. Slowly sprinting to his side, you ceased your motion.

A second later, you heard him yell, "Go on! What's taking you So long? Sit up."

You never rode a bike before and acquiring the back seat of the one which was being driven by an unknown acquaintance was kind of threatening. It was a hot seat that would definitely not refrain from providing awkward bonuses.

Still, you need to go home at any circumstance. Firstly you were of the sex that god sent to be harassed. Secondly the clock was already ticking to midnight and lastly you were all alone with a strange guy who was half and half of both being trustworthy and creepy. Inspite of all these backlogs, what meant the most to you was your loving grandma, she was like your fairy godmother, the woman whose smile always made your heart flutter for an unusual cause.

Now, to begin with, there was the empty seat waiting for you behind the guy's back. He was all ready to woosh out the moment you passed the green light. But the thing was it was a ride that needed an object to hold on for avoiding the long route jerks. Whom were you supposed to cling onto? There was no handle at its back, unfortunately.

"Is there something bothering you?" he raised beneath his helmet.

"Uh no," you spoke prior to arching your leg over the seat to the other side. As soon as you landed your body to rest on it, hardly you were settled when you felt a wrenching movement. You leaned forward and crashed on his spine. "Oww, what are you doin'?"

"If you keep sitting like a fool, you'll definitely spring out in no time. Hold me," he ordered.

You flinched while rubbing the tip of your sore nose, "Huh? H-hold you?"

"Yeah, I'm not asking you to hug me. Come on, be quick. We got to leave now."

Why on earth do you need to see a day as this? It would have been way better if you could walk home by your own although it seemed something impossible to walk for two hours straight. You were yet regretting for the said fact but freezed on hearing a stern growl, "Snap it off. Get down from my tiger. You take the bus that comes up at three in the dawn. That's better for you hopefully."

You slipped your arms through the curves of his waist and intertwined your fingers to make sure the grip was strong enough.

A sigh escaped his lips. "What a hopeless nosy creep." He pulled the gear shifter and off you went through the air, cutting like a razor among the falling raindrops.

You tried your best not to lean on him, keeping a little gap between your bosom and his back. He drove like an elegant gliding swan. Teh cold damp air irritated you for keeping up straight your backbone. Sudden buzzing tranquility acted as anaesthesia over the stress on you shoulders. Your urge to doze off matched hands with the present aura. Eyelids appeared to rest down on your lower conjunctiva and your body leaned in front inadvertently.

All of a sudden, the guy perceived a weight on his back. He checked you out from the looking glass fixed at his handlebar. Rainfall terminated its velocity into minor showers. He settled his left arm at your back to support your collapsed form. A smile of pride laid on his lips, cheeks and sockets as he drove on at a lower pace.


An ultimatum ringed the engine to stop. The boy removed his hand from the contact of your skeleton and yanked out his headgear protection.

"Y/N, get up. We've reached your place," he sweetly cooed in your ear.

You squirmed and clutched his arm to deepen your peaceful nap. He chuckled and pinched your cheek, "You're home, Song Y/N!"

His words found their ways to your anditory centre. You flapped open your eyes to see him glancing at you innocently. You trailed your iris to the grasp in his arm and recoiled immediately.

"What was that? Why was I holding your arm? When? How?"

He waved his palms up and down rhythmically, "Calm down. You were way too tired I guess that's all. Now you can go home and take rest."

You rotated your head to the right. Your home sweet home stood statured like a proud monument. Joyfully, you bounced off from the seat and hopped a little. "Yay! I'm back! Finally! Oh, what a relief!"

"Now, it you give me the honour, would you mind to go in so that I may leave?" he asked.

"Oh," you scratched the back of your head, "Of-of course. By the way, how did you know my address?"

This question tracked him off guard.
"Ah, well you told me before getting onto the seat, remember?" He giggled awkwardly to lighten the ambience.

"Really? Then why can't I recall it?"

"Maybe you're still tired. Infact, you are right? Go get some sleep. Probably we'll meet again." Giving a last wave, he kicked the level and rolled out of your far point before you could flash your next reaction. You shrugged it all off.

Twirling on your feet, you stepped inside the campus of your residence when out of the blue something hit your brain. "Oh! I forgot to acknowledge him! Aish and what was his name again? Ugh, what nonsense!" You groaned in crestfallenness while strolling towards the front door and the tempo of your every step was being captured by another soul from the shade of a ginkgo tree nearby. 


Heyo lovely pearls!!!! Waiting for the next part?

안전 유지(Stay safe)

머무르다  금 (Stay gold)

See ya next time!

A gift by Lachimolala Awards made by lxstykook

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A gift by Lachimolala Awards made by lxstykook

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