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T R O U B L E | 문제

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T R O U B L E | 문제


You were busy with your daily duties at the restaurant where you worked as a typical waitress. Your hands arranged the plates and bowls after wiping them dry with a clean towel. The clanking of the porcelain utensils was the background music besides the songs emerging from the wall mount speakers.

"Miss Song Y/N!" cried a masculine figure from the manager's desk.

You dropped your skills to trudge along the glistening floor to the cash reception.

"Yes, Mr Kang," you reported with a smile.

"Aish, call we Wonho, please. Just Wonho," the guy pleaded, showing his utter annoyance and disgust at once.

You slanted your body for resting your elbow at the edge of the work surface. "But it's my duty to call you as such, pardon," you mocked, trying hard not to let out your inner comic.

"No please, I don't like it when girls call me so sincerely. I feel like being superior to them. And hate that too much!"

You chuckled, "You're superior to me here anyways. What is it for which you called me?"

He rotated his skull on either side. "I won't tell you until you promise to call me by my name."

You bit your lips and muttered, "Darn it. Okay, Wonho tell me now. I've got other works to complete."

"That's like a good girl," he straightened up on his seat, "Well our restaurateur has dispatched the envelopes of our salary for two months since he said that he won't be available till the end of next month. He didn't want to delay our pays so he sent it on beforehand. Here, grab yours."

You awed as he handed over the piece of sealed cover to you. "Seriously? Wow, that means I can buy some really good stuff on my bucket list!"

"Of course and tonight, there's a dinner treat from my side for most of the employees including you. Hope you won't have any problems joining us," he enquired with puppy eyes.

You flapped the thin wrap in the air like a handkerchief and said, "Sure, I will! Don't worry-Wonho."

Kang Wonho plastered a beam as you walked away to the luncheonette, filling the cheque in your apron's pocket.


You returned from the lavatory while fixing your apron. Suddenly someone instructed you, "Y/N, go and look what table 9 wants."

You gestured before clicking your heels to the directed seats. You halted by the same to spot two drunk men perched opposite to each other. One of them had a cigarette in between the fingers whereas the other drooped his forehead upon the table cloth. Probably he's was dizzy already.

You quaffed to speak, "Ah, hello sir. Do you need something?"

The male with the cigarette stick in his grip blurted out, "Go, get a bottle of whisky for us."

You forced a smile, "Sure sir but you already look intoxicated. Would it be fine if you drink more?"

He banged the table harshly, "Stop asking me questions. You're our servant here, so go and bring what I ask you to." His voice was a few octaves higher on the top of his lungs such that he sought the attention of the leftover customers in the dinner hours at the eatery.

"Alright," you gulped, "but smoking is prohibited here. It's a no-smoking zone, sir."

He jumped off his seat with his inebriated brain. "How dare you instruct me what to do and what not to? Do you even have any idea about who I am?"

"I don't know you, sir, but it is clearly written on the flyers that smoking is not allowed. I guess you're learnt enough to read and understand its value," you stood firm, being the most righteous employee on earth.

"You little brat! I'll kill you!" The chair jerked out from behind him as he hailed his boiling blood.

You took a step behind as his hand approached your neck.

A guy in black bullet hair entered the sliding doors to the counter. As he was waiting for his orders, his ears received shouts and yell at a distance. His masked visage reverted and his eyes investigated the overall chaos.

Another employee of the same post as yours, glided in to cease the drama provided that the difference was your opposite gender. He was kind of like a friend cum pretending senior of yours since he had been working at the same cafe two years earlier than you.

"Sorry sir, please be seated. She'll get your orders right away," explained the boy. He expressed his edict at you via the movement of his eyebrows. You let out a sigh and went off to get the desired bottle till your colleague soothed the customer to his nerves.

You chose a glass bottle, gaped at its brand and exhaled. "What a jerk. I don't know why I feel bad for Deoksu for being so kind with that rascal," you thought prior to returning back at the previous spot. You stomped the bottle's ass on the tabletop, bowed and were ready to head back. However, a hand up grasped your wrist. You paid back your gaze at the table's citizens. The dozing man was awakened probably by the smell of fresh whiskey laid on the table. His eyes raked your skeleton from top to bottom while he licked his lips.

You blinked in discomfiture as to what exactly was going on. Your brain was busy processing the matter whereas he said, "Why don't you sit with us? Come let's have a drink." He pulled you nearer you held back your hand. Your palm clenched into a fist as you protested, "Let go! Leave me right now!"

"What's the hurry? Come here. If you want, you can acquire my lap too. I won't mind," a devilish smile lingered on his lips.

"No, let me go! Get off my hand!"

The other employees watched in horror. Yet perhaps their brain stem deadlocked their limbs for a move. Residents of the rest of the seats were frozen at their butts, preparing to watch you getting sexually harassed in the middle of the crowd. Though Deoksu decided to come up at your rescue on being hit by his scruples, a hand went across the tipsy human's face. He let go of your wrist as he rubbed his own sore cheeks with his palms.

You stomped back and gazed at the rescuer with stunning looks.


Heya guys! I'm back haha. So who do you think the person would be? See ya soon!

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