'We can follow him' he mouthed so Peter didn't hear. I smiled slyly as he walked over to the rock and started to pack everything away. He closed the gym bag and stood up, looking at me seriously.

"Ready?" He asked and I nodded. This was exciting. I jumped slightly as he grabbed my hand, my fingers intertwining with his. We followed Peter all the way to a clearing deeper in the woods, careful not to get too close as we didn't want him to know we were there.

We watched as Peter dissapeared into a hole in the ground as we hid behind the tree's.

"He's gone into the sewer.." Jordan mumbled to himself but I over heard.

"Why?" I whispered and he shrugged.

"Let's wait and find out." He answered and he slumped down to the ground lazily. I copied his actions only I crawled over to the tree he was sitting behind and sat in front of him.

"How long will we have to wait?" I asked and he laughed.

"I have no idea.." He laughed. "Can I ask you something?"

"You just did, but sure." I joked and he offered me a weak smile.

"You and Derek.." He paused, studying my face as my warm smile faded.

"What about me and Derek?" I asked, feeling a little angry that he'd bring that up.

"Don't worry," He mumbled as he looked away quickly.

"No, go on. Ask what you want to ask, you've brought it up, you might as well." I told him and he sighed as his eyes met mine once more.

"Did you love him?" He asked, the serious tone in his voice making me uncomfortable. I laughed nervously.

"Uh, maybe at the time I thought I did, but to answer your question," I paused as I sighed, "No, I didn't love him."

Jordan nodded slowly.

"Why not?" He asked, I furrowed my eyebrows at his question. What does he mean by why not?

"Uh, like I said before, it was just sex. That's why I didn't love him." I admitted, I was annoyed, was he worried that I still loved Derek or something?

"Sorry," Jordan laughed, "We don't have to talk about this."


We sat and talked for a fair few hours until we heard a male scream. Jordan and I looked at eachother worridly as we hurried to our feet.

"What was that?" I asked, and he looked around nervously.

"I have no idea." He stated before he pulled me to the ground with his hand over my mouth. I could feel his shaky breath brush against my ear for a few minutes before he slowly let his hand off my mouth. We both slowly and carefully got to our feet, looking around suspiciously.

"What was that?" I asked him, feeling scared. He put his finger to his mouth to shush me.

"I saw Peter, and one of those Berserker things that Lydia was telling us about." He whispered as he continued to look around. "You stay here, I'm going to see what's down in the sewer. There might be more of those things down there, you have to stay here."

"Jordan, no." I stated, "I'm not staying out here, I'm coming with you and nothing you can say is going to stop me."

He groaned as he bent down and searched through his gym bag and handing me a 45.

"Take this, just in case." He said and I nodded as the cold gun was handed to me. "You ready?" He asked and I nodded as I followed him out and over to the hole in the ground. He climbed down first and I followed, seeing the daylight fade away as we went further down. Once I reached the bottom Jordan already had his flashlight out and was searching the tunnel we were standing in.

"Stay behind me." He ordered and I obeyed as I held my gun nervously out in front of me. I could hear dripping, I'm not sure what it was and frankly I didn't want to know. We carried on walking through the tunnels of the sewer until we turned a corner, Jordan gasped and as I turned the corner I saw my dad. He was against the wall, a pole through his stomach, the end was bent so it couldn't come out easily. I put my hand to my mouth as Jordan rushed over to him, studying his wound. Dad hadn't even noticed me there.

"They're gone," Dad said, he sounded exhausted and judging by the pool of blood I could see why.

"Dad," I whispered as I walked up to him, "Did Peter Hale do this?" I asked. Dad looked up, surprised to see me.

"Maddie, what are you doing here?" He asked, I let out a shaky breath.

"We were following Peter." I admitted as I looked at Jordans worried face, he looked confused, and then I realised, my dad and Jordan had never officially met.

"Listen to me," Dad croaked out, "Kate's going after Scott. Peter and Kate. You've got to warn them."

"We can't. There's no service down here." Jordan informed him.

"Then just go!" Dad said sternly, making me shake my head.

"No, we're not leaving you." I told him and he looked at me like he was disappointed.

"If we leave right now, you'd be dead by the time we get back. We're getting you out of here," Jordan said sternly. He offered me a weak smile and I bit my lip. How were we going to do this....

Jordan gripped onto the bar and started to pull, I decided to try and help but I stopped as soon as dad started to scream out in pain. I couldn't do it.

"I'm sorry," Jordan breathed as he let go, "I'm sorry." He bent over and put his hands on his knees to get his breath back. "I can't do it myself. It's not bending back and it's not coming out of the wall."

"Leave" Dad begged and I shook my head.

"We can't do that either." Jordan breathed. "I need you both to help me." He looked to me and to dad and I nodded. "I know you're hurt and you're tired, but I need you to gather everything you've got and help me."

"I've got nothing." Dad breathed as he ducked his head. I shook my head as I moved next to Jordan.

"Dad, grab the bar." I stated and he looked up, shaking his head slightly. I felt Jordan put his hand on my back, it made me feel a little better.

"I've got nothing left," He said as his bottom lip started to tremble, "Please, just go."

I looked at Jordan for help, because I just didn't know what to do. "You're running out of time." Dad said. Jordan looked at me for a second before he focused on dad again.

"You know what you need? Adrenalin, theres 2 ways to get it. Fear and anger. So as you don't look like a guy that is afraid of anything, you need to get angry. You need to get so angry that your brain lets loose every bit of adrenalin it has left." Jordan told him but dad shook his head.

"I'm too tired to be angry," He told us.

"Okay, I don't know much about you, or what you've been through, but Maddie told me some of it." Jordan said softly, he put his hand beside dads head and moved closer, "I know about Allison," I felt the tears roll down my cheeks as I watched dad start to cry, "I know how she felt about Scott. And I think if she knew what was happening to him, she'd be pretty angry. At least angry enough to try one more time to get the hell out of here. So what ever trigger you need, if its Allison or your sister or Peter, use it! Use it right now!" Dad looked up, his lips trembling uncontrollably, he gripped onto the bar, making Jordan and I do the same. He groaned before he nodded to us to pull, and we did, dad screamed as we all used our strength to un bend the bar and pull it out of him. Jordan and I flew back into the wall as the bar came out, dad collapsed to his knees and I was quick to help him up.

"We need to get to mexico." Dad mumbled as we carried him out of the sewer and back into the daylight.

"We need to get you to a hospital, dad." I told him, but he was shaking his head vigorously.

"Maddie, no. We have to save Scott, we need to get to Mexico."

Another Love || Jordan ParrishWhere stories live. Discover now