Chapter 4 - "Past Ties"

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I wonder if she knew. That her decision to face me, to give me the chance to be with her; all of our conversations and interactions were treasures I'd remember forever..

Sighing, I retrieved my cell from my pocket. Dilapidated and cracked; it was long past its wear. Not that I could afford a new one.

Since I didn't have a single app downloaded aside from the ones that came with my phone, she downloaded games for me to kill time with (that I haven't yet touched). She poked fun at me for my awful photography skills, being a slow typer, and texting in full, unabbreviated sentences. She also mocked my lack of knowledge concerning emojis also. I was well-aware how to use my phone. I simply didn't use it aside from making occasional phone calls so all that additional stuff was pointless.

It wasn't normal for guys to have the hobbies I did, or be out of touch with all forms of media. Regardless, she didn't make fun of me.

If it was anybody else, they'd never let me live it down.

why're u too cute i love u (/▽\*)。o○♡

That was the message she sent after I expressed she not send a certain emoticon to that childhood friend of hers. It was accompanied by a horde of hearts on top of it which had taken up half the screen.

"'Cute,'" I repeated, pulling a face.

It wasn't a word I was ordinarily complimented with. Well, I wasn't complimented in general. If anyone else had said it, I'd have cringed. Somehow, though, coming from her. . . I didn't mind it.

That said, what she changed her contact name into was beyond embarrassing. 'Kisaragi' was fine. Her unreal expectations were problematic. In what way was I prince-like? I'd been related to a 'demon' before, so a fairy tale prince was a long shot.

I should set her straight.

As if on cue alone, my cell phone buzzed. An incoming call.

Her psychic powers were fearsome. At least, I assumed so until I noticed the Caller ID had 'PAIN IN THE ASS' sprawled in capitalized letters.

Glaring, I cancelled it.

Unfortunately, he didn't take the hint.

Within seconds, my phone vibrated again. And again.

By the fourth time, my thumb was positioned on the power button to turn it off completely. However, the instant I caught the 'MY PRINCESS', I set it to my ear.


"Rude! You rejected my calls three times and answer the little lady's straightaway! I'm wounded by this blatant disrespect! Your! Brother! Is! In! Pain!"

"U-um, Kamakiri?" Her faint voice resounded next.

But my patience had already crumbled to dust.

"Where are you?" I didn't let her finish.

"At. . . your house," she timidly replied.

The dark malice exuding from my scowl caused passersby to spring back and turn tail to flee in all directions.

I was murdering him.

Outsider Syndrome: Everlasting (Bonus Content)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin