Pirates and marines

Start from the beginning

The next morning came and went, the girl left the store house first thing without any difficulties, everybody was probably still in bed at that time. Shifting back to her human form, she let out a sigh of relief. So far so good, nothing bad had happened.

That was until she went into town again, it was noticeably missing the dozens of pirates that had been very present yesterday, okay weird. More worrying was that it wasn't just the pirates that were missing, so were the townspeople. Something was very wrong.

Alex nervously trotted down the empty streets, searching for any signs of life, the only thing she was met with was a cold breeze, which made her shudder, it wasn't just the cold, the young girl was starting to panic. Where was everyone? What happened? Was it their doing?

It didn't matter how strong a pirate crew was, they couldn't just make a town's worth of people disappear overnight. Which meant something else was happening. The blonde stifled a tiny scared breath, she carried on, looking through empty shop windows, she even started to call out. She just wanted to see one person, a single person would be better then this quiet emptiness.

Alex's body was shaking violently, head spinning, her claws digging themselves into her arm in a nervous tick. Her blue eye was wide, darting back and forth, hoping that she might catch sight of someone.

Then the earthquake started...

She was suddenly running over uneven ground, deep rumbling echoed in the air, it was almost charged with static, as if the earth itself was angry. As Alexandra dashed over the crumbling streets, her ears picked up on the battle crys and suddenly it all made sense. However, she didn't have time to think, the buildings were falling all around, it took every ounce of concentration to avoid the falling rubble or to leap over the gaping holes opening in the cobble stone pavement.

The kid didn't know where she was going, the only thing rushing inside was the desire to survive! She had to survive! She needed to find Papi and Mother, Alex couldn't do that if she was dead. Those thoughts pushed her on, that was until the marines and pirates were swarming all around her, a full-blown battle was underway even though she had mostly escaped the earthquake, the girl was now avoiding being killed by people! This was not her day!

She bounded out of the way of a Marine with an axe who swung it straight at her head, only to then have a sword brought down on her the next second. She managed to block it with her Bo-staff, trying to push the assailant off, only to launch herself out of the way as a ball and chain hit the sword wielding Marine in the stomach.

A man with dark eyes and dreadlocks had noticed the little blond kid through the fighting crowd, his only thought was to wonder what a small child was doing in this mess. He noticed a Marine take a swing at them, which he did not like, weren't they supposed to protect little brats?

The brat managed to block the sword surprisingly, the dreadlocked man took this opportunity to throw his living ball and chain Obsidian at the assailant. The child rolled out of the way as Obsidian ploughed into the Marine, once he was down Obsidian shuddered to life, dragging her chain along, probably to look at the kid. However, said child dove into the crowd once more, leaving the man concerned, but he had no time to follow after them. He just hoped they'd be alright.

Alex squeaked, she did not like the look of the man who had thrown the ball and chain, he was staring straight at her. The chain shuddered as if it had come to life as it began to slither towards her. Alex quickly decided that it was not something she was willing to fight, with that decision made, the girl jumped into the fray of battle hungry individuals once again, almost being chopped in half in the process.

The ground was shaking again, while no cracks had open beneath her feet, she couldn't help but swallow a growing lump in her throat, this wasn't good. Alex needed to find a place to hide, she ploughed through the crowd, dodging weapons along the way, her eye flying around in an attempt to find a safe place. There wasn't any, the deeper in she went, the more dangerous the people seemed to became.

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