Chapter 20

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"Yuu~!" I wailed as I hugged my dorm leader. They sat in an infirmary cot with an ice pack on their head. "I'm so glad you're okay!"

Yuu gave me a pat on the head as they looked around the room, "What...happened? Where am I?"

"Right after the second half of the game, Grim threw a disk and it hit you in the head. You fainted." Ace filled them in. "Don't you remember? Viv was freaking out."

"Grim hit me in the face?!" Yuu yelled.

"I thought my long super shot would have made it," Grim simply smiled.

"Beginners shouldn't attempt that shot," Jack scolded.

"Grim, I'm putting you on dusting duty!" I pinched his cheek.

"In any case, I'm glad you're awake," Deuce smiled. "I was getting worried that we'd be in trouble again if you didn't wake up."

"Were you able to score a goal Viv?" Yuu asked me as I sat back on the stool next to them.

I pouted, "No. I was this close but then I dropped the disk..."

"So, no wolf pets for you then?" Yuu laughed. I punched their arm.

Ace interrupted us to continue filling in the tournament details, "The tournament ended while you were knocked out. They're cleaning the Coliseum now."

"Aw man, I missed it," Yuu whined. "Which dorm ended up winning?"

"Diasomnia won," Leona groaned from the bed next to us.

"Ah~," Ruggie sighed in another bed, "we couldn't even touch them. All the dorms were obliterated. This year's tournament was a disaster."

"Tch, I thought I'd only use the nurse's bed for naps," Leona complained.

"It's annoying there isn't anyone from Diasomnia here at all," Ruggie joined in.

"I've heard rumors that Diasomnia's dorm leader is no one to mess with," Ace grimaced.

"Yes, he is amazing," Deuce reminisced. "You would have been in awe if you saw him."

"I wish I had," Yuu said.

"I totally get why everybody thinks they can't win against him," Ace slumped over.

"If you think you are going to lose before you try, you will never win," Jack dropped some wise words.

"What did you think of the tournament Viv?" Yuu asked me.

"Oh! Uh, I didn't really stay for long. After our game I stayed for Octavinelle versus Heartslabyul, then I came to stay with you in the infirmary," I played with the hem of my uniform.

"Oh, how was their game? Did you see Riddle?" Yuu asked.

"Uh, well..." I averted my gaze.

"Viv was too busy hiding behind their chair," Ace mocked. "Every time one of the twins from Octavinelle would look in our direction they'd duck."

"It's because the one threatened me the last time!" I tried to explain myself. "Anyway! Jack! What do you plan to do in next year's tournament?"

"I'll prove that I can win against Diasomnia without cheating!" he confidently declared

"Cheating does have its advantages, you know?" Leona added.

"You haven't learned your lesson?" Yuu groaned and looked over at him.

"Why?" Leona smirked. "Is there a need for that? I gave it my all at this year's tournament. Next year, I'm going to do the same."

"Aren't you putting your effort in the wrong basket?" I pointed out.

Ruggie chuckled, "Shishishi! As expected from Leona. He is back to normal."

"Oh man, just thinking about next year..." Jack trailed off.

"We're going to be in the tournament next year for sure!" Grim proclaimed.

Deuce joined in the exclamations, "We have to do our best so we can make the team then."

"Especially since I don't want to embarrass myself again like this year," Ace agreed.

As they were all talking happily about the next school year, Yuu and I shared a look. We couldn't join in the excitement.

If we plan for the next school year, I feel like I'm giving up on going home...I can't get too attached to this place.

"Uncle! I finally found you!" a child ran into the room. He had a mop of fiery hair and light brown skin. He had lion ears and a tail like Leona.

"What is this? A kid?" Grim looked at the newcomer quizzically.

"Aww! He is so cute!" I cooed. I squished my cheeks. The kid ran up to Leona and clung to his arm.

"Uncle Leona~," he looked at the grumpy lion with such admiration in his big, brown eyes.

"Ah...damnit...The annoying kid is here," Leona grumbled.

"Uncle Leona?" Jack repeated.

"This kid is Cheka, my brother's son," Leona introduced. "He's my...nephew." Leona squirmed with his nephew hugging all over him.

"NEPHEW?!" the whole room exclaimed.

"That means...the one who is next in line for the throne is..." Ruggie started putting the pieces together.

Little Cheka bounced next to Leona's cot. He gushed over his uncle, "Your match was so cool Uncle! Can you teach me how to play Magical Shift?"

"Okay, I get it. Don't shout in my ear!" Leona gritted his teeth. "Where are your bodyguards? They're probably looking for you."

"I wanted to see you, so I left them! Hehehe~" Cheka innocently giggled. My heart was hit out of the ballpark. This kid was too cute!

Jack was put on edge, "Um, so...the core of the evil Leona is..."

"This little angel!" Yuu and I said in unison.

"He's really attached to you, huh?" Grim was frozen in shock.

"Leona looks so much more docile with a kid," I stated. I was clasped my hands over my face as I stared, googly-eyed at them.

"Shut up! ...Hmph!" Leona scrunched his nose up. "Stop staring at me!"

Cheka bombarded Leona with questions, "Hey, hey Uncle. When are you coming back home? Next week? The week after that? Ah! Did you read my letters?"

"Yeah, I told you already, I will be coming back home during the holidays-," Cheka jumped onto Leona's lap, "-OW! Don't sit on my stomach!"

Jack was amazed by the small child. "The kid is just sitting on Leona's stomach like it's nothing."

Ruggie couldn't hold back his laughter, "Hahaha! This is amazing! So, this why Leona never wants to go home."

Cheka just took notice of us. He looked around the room at each of us, "Are you all uncle's friends?"

"Of course!" I swooned. "We make sure that your fabulous Uncle Leona is never lonely while he's away from you~!"

Ace could barely talk, he was laughing so much, "Hahahahaa! Yeah, we're his friends alright. Isn't that right, Uncle Leona~?" Ace didn't even try to hide the mockery in his voice.

"Uncle...Hahaha ow ow ow..." Ruggie clutched his stomach, "it hurts to laugh."

"Stop laughing at me! You all better remember this!" Leona warned.

"Oh, how could we ever forget? I giggled.

Mother of Pearl: A Floyd Leech x OC FanfictionΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα