you kiss in the rain

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You held onto Gigi's hand as you walked down the block together. You're on your way home from dinner and you're both smiling from to ear. 

It's the first date you've been able to go on in weeks. You're both so busy that date nights don't happen that often. But when they do, they're some of the greatest nights of your life.

"Thank you for the great meal. I'm so happy we got to enjoy another date night together." You smiled as she swung your hands back and forth before stopping for a second to give you a sweet kiss.

"I'm always happy to take my baby out on a great date night." She smiled back at you, only for it to fall when there was a loud crash of thunder close by. 

You jumped and she squeezed your hand in comfort.

"It's alright. We're not far from home. We'll be there in just a few minutes. Come on, I've got you," she said and pulled you closer and you noticed she was walking a little faster now.

But you didn't make it home before it started to rain. You felt a few drops of rain fall onto your shoulders and on your head before it began to pour down. 

Gigi picked up the pace, even more, wanting to make it into the house as soon as possible. You weren't very far, just a few houses away when she came to a sudden stop.

"Gigi? What's wrong?"

She turned around and cupped your cheek in her hand, staring at you with shiny eyes and the sweetest smile on her face.

"I love you."

"I love you more, Gigi." You replied and saw her starting to lean in, making you close your eyes and anticipate the brush of her lips.

Although you've shared countless kisses over the several months you've spent together, you've never shared one in the rain before and the thought of something so romantic that you'd share with her, the love of your life, made your heart race in excitement.

When her lips hit yours, you breathed out a soft sigh against her lips. She pulled you closer and swore that she felt sparks flying all around you, like always.

"I've dreamt of kissing you in the rain for so long now, but it was somehow even better than I ever imagined it being."

You couldn't help but grin at her and pull her in for another kiss.

It was so perfect, so sweet. With her hands on your hips and her lips moving lovingly against your own as the rain fell all around you, you swore that you've never shared such a perfect moment with anyone before.

But it didn't surprise you. Gigi always makes every moment you spend together so special and so bright. 

You didn't ever want the moment to end.

But a loud clap of thunder and the flash of lightning made you jump again and Gigi caressed your back soothingly.

"It's okay. C'mon, we're home now. Let's go change and cuddle. We'll warm up together."

You nodded and she led you inside, where she held you close for the rest of the evening to keep you warm and cozy.

Gigi Hadid Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now