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TW: potentially drugs, abusive relationship

If either of these things trigger you or are something you aren't interested in reading please don't read further.

Niall POV

I sigh as I sit in the waiting room of a very high-end therapy office in the middle of summer break. My parents caught me smoking weed with my now ex-boyfriend. My stupid parents made me break up with Jason since they thought he was the reason I started ruining my lungs.


It's Jason's brother who got me started. Jason was out for the night for a late-night Uni class, and his brother was on their back porch smoking. He asked if I wanted to try it and I was 17 and naive then and said yes thinking it would make me feel cool.

It did.

Now four years later every Saturday I sit on the back porch with Jason and Sam (his brother) and we smoke, laugh, and just forget the horrors of the world. My parents came back from a business trip early, knew I came here to hang out with Jason though they thought he was my tutor since he was 2 years older than me.

Long story short they found us sitting on the grass cigarettes hanging from our mouths.

They made me break up with him and immediately moved us from Ireland to England two weeks ago. It was either therapy or rehab and I'd really not like to be locked up like a criminal in rehab. Now I'm sitting in a therapy waiting room for someone to try and pry into my life.

The door to the therapist's office opens and a man with black gelled hair pats a boy around my age's back and he pops out.

"Hello, you must be Mr. Horan. I'm Zayn Malik, I'll be with you in just a moment I just need to clean up my office for a moment. You can have a chat with Harry here while you wait if you'd like." The therapist Zayn smiles and I just frown at him and the boy.

"What are you in for?" I ask him uninterestedly.

"Wow, you make it sound like we're in jail,"

"Might as well be."

"Um, okay. I'm here for recovering from a four year abusive relationship." He says sadly.

Oh, I guess I didn't think that all the way through.

"Um, I'm sorry," I mutter and he smiles.

"It's okay, it was over a year and a half ago. I was 16 and it went till almost my 21st birthday." He explains smiling at me.

I smile at the fact that he can talk about it and survived it. My best friend in Ireland and the only person my parents let me keep in touch with Luke was subject to domestic abuse before he was adopted by his loving parents now.

"I'm glad it's gotten better for you," I tell him looking up to his eyes for the first time.


They're the prettiest emerald green I've ever seen.

"So why are you in therapy?" He asks but before I can answer the door opens and Mr. Malik walks out and ushers me in.

Harry waves goodbye to me as a woman with brown hair walks up to the waiting room door and Harry bounces up to walk over to her.

Niall sighs as he walks into the interrogation room. Mr. Malik gestures for him to sit down.

"So Niall. Usually, people don't like the small talk I start with and you definitely look like you wouldn't appreciate my small talk so let's get down to it. Your parents thought it would be good for you to get help after catching you doing weed with your boyfriend and his brother in their backyard yes?" Zayn started off right away, but Niall just shrugged uncaringly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2021 ⏰

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