"Perhaps on a magazine cover?" I mutter.

Smiling, she says "You do have the model face, but I'm quite sure you were aesthetically pictured where I saw you, I can't get, perhaps it isn't you." She says embarrassed.

Chuckling, I say "It's okay."

"I'm Esmeralda, Law Student, 3rd year." She smiles.

"Fi -- " I start to say, but I stop myself, might as well use the name I detest, might as well embrace it "Guinevere, you can call me Gwen. Psychology student, Sophomore."

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Gwen, I hope to see you around."

With a smile, and a wave, Esmeralda walks away.


"How was class?" Danielle looks up from her book.

"Better." I say as I fall to the couch. "I met someone" I add.

"Oh really?" Cara says, walking in with a huge and wide textbook in her arm.

"Yeah, Esmeralda." I smile.

"How did you meet her?" Violet walks in, pen and paper in her hands.

"In my Psych class, apparently, I look familiar, we cleared it out though." I smile. "How was your test, Vee?"

She looks up, "Cool.", and she looks down back, writing.

"I told her my name is Guinevere, Gwen." I rush out.

They all look up from their books, after a while, Danielle says "It is your name." She smiles.

"Gwen." Violet grins, testing the name on her tongue.

"We'll still call you Fiona though." Cara says.

"Of course."


Danielle and Violet says respectively.

Smiling, I get up. "I believe there's Lunch." I say to no one in particular.

"There's Spaghetti and Meatballs in the kitchen." Cara says, absentmindedly. "Unless, Violet has eaten it, again." She grins.

"I haven't." Violet laughs, and I join in. She might, She eats a lot, eats her feelings.

"How's Emmanuel?" I ask.

Violet blushes "We're going on a date tomorrow, I think Emmy is the one." She grins, I will myself not to mention the fact that she said that about Zaih, and Rick.

"Emmy, you say?" Danielle teases her with a grin.

Grinning, I walk to my room. Getting here, I thought I'd meet a small apartment, instead I need a condo, with Six Bedrooms, A very large and filled kitchen -- all thanks to Fiorre, and a Dining Room, not like we use it, when I asked them about it, they just shrugged, but when they showed me to my room, I realised they had been waiting for me, It had an Out of Bound on it's door, and a tiny inscription below that said except you're fiona g. kings.

Entering my room, I smile as I take it in. The moving company brought my stuffs from Gotham, I really love it here, I stare at the mirror, and I smile, one step at a time.

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