Torn apart • Chapter 3

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Mikasas pov: 

As i opened my door i was greeted by my dog jumping all over me.  He seemed happy to see me and so was I.   His name is Vinnie and we adopted him from a no kill animal shelter about 2 weeks ago.  He's a great dog and all but he pissed on my bed last night, can't blame him though, he is still a puppy.

After i got done petting Vinnie i walked into the kitchen to grab a snack but instead i heard party poppers and loud screams "Congrats Mikasa!" they all cheered.  My roommate Historia probably did this.  She's a great friend and great roommate.  Always nice and cheerful and helps everyone out no matter what.  That's kinda the downside about her though, she's willing to sacrifice everything to just help someone.  Since i was low on money she became roommates with me so we could split the bill.  She moved out of her girlfriends house just to help me.  I can tell ymir kinda dislikes me about that, everytime she comes over she gives me a dirty look.  She isn't as mean as she looks though.

"Happy birthday!" Connie yelled across the room and everyone let out a chuckle.  

"Wrong thing dumbass" Jean walked over to him and jokingly hit him with his elbow.

"Ow...I know i was just testing you guys" Connie tried to play it off but we all knew he was awful at lieing.

I looked around the room to see who was all here. Historia was picking up the confetti while ymir helped.  Jean, Connie, and Sasha are messing around.  I didn't expect sasha to show up but that's a pleasant surprise.  Not many people could attend the party considering everyone is busy with work, school, or life in general.  I wished armin could attend, he has been my best friend since the begging of my life and i havnt scene him recently.  I hope he is doing okay.

I felt a hand touch my shoulder causing me to lose thought. "You alright?" I turned myself around noticing a worried look on eren's face.

"Just thinking about armin.  I'm worried for him"

"Don't worry about him, he'll be okay as long as we keep supporting him" Erens words are oddly comforting.

"Mhmm" I say half asleep.  That interview left me exhausted. That girl was...odd. The part where she tied me up wasn't that weird but something about her won't get out of my mind.

Erens arms slightly wrapped around me as he brought me to the couch and put a blanket over me. 

At that brief moment when he grabbed my arms made me realize how long it's been since i've felt someone's warmth.  I'd would be nice to feel a deep connection with someone.  My eyes started to drift off as a thought about all the precious moments i could have with someone.  So many memories could be made, but with who?  Eren? He is great and i love him but i don't think i could be in an intimate relationship with him.

I could hear people yelling and then someone whisper yell at them. I'm to tied to make out what they are accually saying.  It sounds like Historia is lecturing connie.  Kinda reminds me of the old days. When we would laugh without a care in the word...

I miss those days.

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