Bad Luck • Chapter 1

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A/N: I'm a multishiper so there will be some mikasasha and eremika but those are just barley incorporated in the story so it will mainly be mikannie.

Mikasa's pov: 

Today is my interview for Pizza Pizza. Yes, that it literally the name of the pizza place i'm applying for. The name sounds ridiculous but i need this job even if my life depends on it, well it kinda does depend on it. 

I just finished my first two years of college and i need to save up money for the other two years. All my friends have insisted on helping my out financially, however it's hard to take money from people i've known practically my entire life.

My friend Armin Arlert is extremely successful in the world of business and he is also well known.  He just became a millionaire last September and i'm proud of him but there's no way i can take money from him.  He could use it to build a animal shelter just like he planed. While we're on the topic of Armin, he hasn't been his brightest recently.  He's become extremely depressed from the amount of stress he has endured since starting his business.  It's hard for him to open up sometimes but eren has helped with his depression.

Oh eren! I almost forgot we have a date this evening.  I guess i'll have to cancel it for my interview.  Eren asked me out about a week ago and i thinks it's going okay, not much has happened but i'm okay with taking it slow. I see him more as a brother but eren seemed to really like me so hopefully i'll start to develop feelings for him. I feel awful for leading him on but i'm sure i'll come to like him some day.

I should probably text eren and tell him to cancel the date

Me: I'm really sorry for this eren but i forgot to mention i have an interview today so the dates canceled :(

Eren🦅 : I had a lot planned today but i wish you the best of luck

Eren🦅: Once you get the job i'll come over and buy you some pizza at the new place your working at

Me: I'm not even sure i'll get the job but thank you Eren

Me: Crap i gotta go, i'm running late ttyl

Eren🦅: Armin and me are cheering for you, never forget that.

Today's already off the a rough start. I can't be late for my interview, i really need this job. Now what should i wear? I should wear something fancy instead of my normal style. I throw on long black pants that are fresh from the dry cleaners and a collared white shirt with a black suit jacket over it. I walk over towards my long length mirror that is proped on my closet wall to check myself out. Wow i look hot. I would definitely fall in love with myself if i saw me in the street.  

I check the time and notice it is 9:35.  My interview is at 10 so i quickly brush my hair and teeth and start running out my door. 

Crap my keys! I run back inside scrambling all over the place in search for them. After a long five minutes i found them and jolt out the door praying i won't be late.  The car turns on and i race down the streets hoping no cops are around.

Just as i say that blue and red lights start flashing behind me.  God damnit, tears start to swell up in my eyes but i force them back in. I need this job...I punch the steering wheel in anger.  I have no choice but to pull over. 

I slow down my car hoping this interaction with only take a few minutes but i know that won't be the case.  I roll down my car window and notice a familiar face.

"I need to see your license and- Mikasa! I haven't seen you in forever, how are you?!" The loud girl exclaimed. Sasha braus was my high school best friend and at one point we even started dating but things didn't go as planned, we kinda just stopped talking after that.  I never imagined her becoming a police officer but i might have a chance to get out of here now the she showed up.

"Hey Sasha it's really nice to see you but i'm late for an interview and i need this job. Can you exuse this one time?" I say practically begging her.

"Hmm i don't know.  I could get in some bad trouble.  Let's make a deal, i let you free and i take you out on a date sometime" Sasha winked at me.  A date?  She's nice and all but i just started dating eren.

"I'm actually going out with eren but i'd love to hang out again" 

"Damn that sucks.  I'll let you go then, good luck on the interview!" As Sasha spoke those words i sped off.  She has always been a cute girl, i should start talking to her more.

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