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Hope you all are well!

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Taehyung spoke into Jin's neck.

"Just... Just stay like this"

Jin used all his will power to not shiver when he felt Taehyung's breath on his neck. Fortunately he succeeded.

He did not know why Taehyung was being like this, but he was quite happy that he was being comfortable with him.

He remained quiet for a moment before speaking again "What happened?"

Wrong idea. Seokjin felt another puff of breath on his neck. This was bad.

'Shit' He cursed to himself. This was not going well.

He was lost in his thoughts when the arms around him loosened and Taehyung pulled back. Jin immediately missed the tight grip.


Taehyung took three steps back and ran a hand through his hair "The person Namjoon is working with emailed me. He told he was here, and.... I.... I came to check"

"Then why did you..." Jin gestured between the two.

"Uhh.... I don't...... I am sorry. I invaded your personal space" Taehyung apologised.

He apologized hoping that Jin would get distracted and take the previous scene out of his head.

It worked.

"Oh no! It's fine, I don't mind.... I mean like.. umm"

"It's fine" Jin concluded.

Taehyung nodded.

Awkward silence engulfed them.

"So" Jin said "Was he here?"

Taehyung frowned "Huh? Who?"

Jin looked at him weirdly "The guy Namjoon was working with....."

Taehyung widened his eyes "Right! I don't know where he is, he just told that he is here"

Jin frowned "It's quite peculiar, don't you think?"


Jin sat on the handle of their couch "I mean... Why would he tell you that he is here. Wouldn't that ruin his plans? Why would he tell you when he could have just finished his work in silence?"

Taehyung's mind closed up 'He could have just killed Jin. I wouldn't have known'

The thought was affecting Taehyung more than he expected.

"Like.." Jin continued "If he was here for something wouldn't telling you about his plan, come in his way?"

It was like a huge puzzle. Taehyung wanted a particular piece. He was staring right at it, but he coud not figure it out.

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