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Okay so I'mma gonna do a mass update, it's like 3 chapters and the story will end.

Then I will be on a hiatus. Cause I am working on a new story and I hope while I am away our book gathers more readers!


The bodiless head was kept on a table with a bouquet of roses beside it. Edward smiled at the lifeless head of his previous wife.

"Elizabeth, I am sorry I need to get rid of you," he said in an apologetic tone, "you see, I found someone new."

He picked up the head and continued talking.

"He is so beautiful," he sighed, he stroked the long hair lightly, "His hair is of a brighter shade than Linda's and so much softer than Amanda's. And he is so much smarter and less greedy than you."

"And his eyes..." Edward trailed off and stopped running his hand through the head's hair.

"His eyes were so much brighter than hers." he whispered.

"His eyes were even more beautiful than my first love's," Edward said, "And to think I stored her eyes in a glass jar so I can admire them always!" He laughed at his silly action.

"Oh Elizabeth, he is so beautiful." he muttered.

"So beautiful that I want to keep him just like that, forever."

Bluebeard laughed in the empty room.

"Maybe I should wax his body, so he will stay like that forever."

He looked at the head and towards the headless body pieces in a wooden box, he spent the entire evening cutting.

"First, I should get rid of you."

Bluebeard hummed under his breath as he sealed up the wooden box and cleaned up the blood from the room. He walked out of the secret room and locked the door and covered it carefully.

Bluebeard took a long hot bathe and walked towards his new room. Noel had refused to sleep in the bedroom attached to the secret room.

Speaking of Noel...

Bluebeard glanced at the golden ring on his finger and smiled.

They were married.

The wedding ceremony was small. Small and quiet.

Through out the ceremony Noel never smiled. Their kiss was short and fast and everything happened in a blur.

Bluebeard stopped in front of his and Noel's new bedroom and took in a deep breath. He pushed open the door only to be greeted by the sight of a sleeping Noel.

It has always been like this for the last two months since they married.

Noel never looked towards him, never smiled, hadn't touched a paint brush. He always sat by the window and read books.

Bluebeard walked near the bed and hovered over Noel's side.

Noel chest slightly rose, up and down with each breath he took. His golden curls spread across the white pillow, making him look like an angel. His lips were slightly apart and Bluebeard wouldn't help but gulp.

He wanted Noel so bad.

However, Noel didn't.

The thought bought him back to earth and Bluebeard got inside his side of the bed and slept.

The moment Bluebeard pulled his blanket and there was no longer any movement, Noel slowly opened his eyes and started at the dark ceiling blankly.

Noel has been plagued by guilt for not being able to save Elizabeth for the past two months. Even though his system reassured him that she was just a fictional character of a made up world, he still couldn't get rid of the guilt inside his heart.

Noel slowly moved his head and glanced at Bluebeard.

He let out a surprised gasp, when he saw those electric blue eyes looking back at him.

"I thought you slept," Bluebeard murmured.

"My sleep suddenly broke." Noel lied.

"I know, you aren't able to sleep," Bluebeard said.

Noel let out a scoff and gave the ceiling a sour look, "Of course I can't sleep." He admitted.

He looked back at those blue eyes and spoke.

"It's hard to sleep next to a murderer."

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