2: |Cleanse| Pt.2

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*Warning! This chapter involves sexual and slight graphic content. Read with caution.*

Wednesday, 2:33 p.m

Hearing scratching at the door, Zeno yawned and ran his hand down his face before stretching each of his limbs as far as possible.

It had been so long since he slept somewhere comfortable much less a bed that smelt like pumpkin pie.

Smiling out of gratefulness, he threw the blanket off his body and stood to stretch again.

Opening the door, he saw Aken sitting there with another dog that was much smaller than him.

A beagle. He smiled to himself.

"Hello, there." he greeted, petting both of them when he heard laughing from downstairs.

Closing his door and leading the dogs down the hall, he wondered which door was Kai's.

After his hot shower of deep scrubbing and happy tears, he had used the jar of lotion that was on the dresser and built up enough courage to go downstairs, but he didn't want to be interviewed by the woman.

He wasn't sure if Kai would've been going back down, so he stayed safe and went to sleep instead.

"Good afternoon, Specialist Keene." the same deep voice from the night before spoke.

"Oh, good afternoon, sir. Um... what time is it, if you don't mind me asking?"

"Almost three. Hope you slept well enough." the man told him.

It's impolite to sleep in that late. Zeno thought to himself.

"I did, sir. Thank you. And, you can just call me Zeno." he announced, taking the chance to look around the first floor.

There were many doors that he assumed were rooms, and a large, connected living and dining area.

"Oh, alright. If you insist. You can call me Jim." he said, gesturing for Zeno to follow him outside.

"Um, I don't have shoes." he mentioned.

"Don't tell me you mind a bit of dirt!" Jim smiled, walking out of the house.

I'll just wash my feet afterwards. Zeno thought to himself.

Going through the rows of crops that looked freshly planted, they made it to the other house with a little boy sitting outside with a rooster.

"Hey, Pico." Jim greeted, ruffling the boy's hair.

"Hi, papa. Mommy said she doesn't feel good." he told him.

"Yeah, I know. But, aren't you excited to meet your little sister?" Jim asked.


"Good boy. Go on, now." he said, as Pico lifted the rooster into his arms and carried it to the small table that had crayons and placks of smooth wood on it.

"His parents are expecting?" Zeno asked, as they entered the identical house. The only thing that was different was the smell and color schemes.

"Jim, I think the apple trees behind the barns are ready." a ginger-haired girl around Kai's age said, approaching them from the kitchen.

"Hello to you, too, Cassidy." Jim smiled, giving her instructions on where to bring the picked apples and what to do with them.

"Mr. Jim, who is that?" a boy a bit older than Pico asked, sitting in the living room in front of a large puzzle.

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