
29 1 9

Around 3 or 4 weeks after the last chapter. They are all still staying at Hidgens Manor.

Hannah yawns and wakes. The boys are crying on the other side of the room. Lex is asleep on the chair and the twins are wanting milk. Not wanting to wake Lex, Hannah takes them both of them in her arms and brings the downstairs, bouncing them slightly to quieten them. She slots them both into their high-chairs and grabs the bottle labelled "Baby Milk. Do not touch, Ted."
Ethan sucks at the nipple of the plastic bottle as Henry knocks his on the ground. Hannah goes to pick it up but someone gets there first. Henry bounces his namesake as he takes the baby out of his chair.
"Hey Hidge."
"Hiya Han." Henry responds. It is a well known fact that only 2 people can call Hannah 'Banana' and the one who is alive is asleep.
"Did they wake you?"
"No. I just heard them from the lab."
"What time is it?"
"6:29. Which reminds me. I have to wake Tom. He said he wanted to be out the house by 7."
Hidgens heads upstairs with the sleepy baby as Hannah follows with Ethan. As she tucks Ethan in, she can hear the conversation in the nearby room.
"Tom, wake up."
A grunt comes from the room followed by a yawn.
"You're late." A groggy voice replies.
"It's 6:30 in the morning."
"Yeah and I said 6."
Hannah joins the professor to grab the baby. Tom's tone softens.
"I guess you had to feed the baby."
He turns over and starts to wake his son. Hidgens retreats from the room and goes to wake his boyfriend. Hannah knocks on the next door.
Bill groans and there is a thump. Paul opens the door to his friend crawling to the closet. Paul follows Hannah to the final room. They knock.
Another groan sounds and someone opens the door. Becky is fully dressed with Emma still asleep and Alice half awake, picking out her clothes. Paul strides into the room and shakes his girlfriend awake. She protests but eventually slides out of bed. In a sleepy voice, Alice asks Paul to leave so she can get dressed. He does so, going red. Hannah nods to him and goes to the room she shares with her sister and nephews. Instead of waking her sister, Hannah changes and takes the baby monitor downstairs with her. Hidgens is making some toast and Tom grabs the poptart box from the top shelf, where Ted put it yesterday to annoy Emma. Hannah requests some toast as Hidgens watches the news. Slowly, the rest of the household stumble downstairs, Emma being the last. Eventually everyone is there except the twins and Lex. They each get either some toast or a poptart and talk about the day ahead. Hidgens has the other biology class at 8, Paul, Bill and Ted all have work at 10, Emma has the morning shift at Beanies at 7:30, Becky has work at 9, Tom has to set up for his first lesson as early as he can and Hannah and Tim are back to school at 9. Lex has no work and no school so she is still asleep, and going to be woken when they leave for CCRP.

10 minutes later, Tom leaves for work, making sure that Tim is going to be dropped off at school when it is time. Becky agrees and Tom sets off. Just under an hour later, Paul and Emma leave, Paul dropping her off and agreeing on when he will visit her. When he returns, Ted and Hidgens are together, staying that way for another 10 minutes before Hidgens has to go for work. Becky takes Hannah and Tim to school. Finally, at 10, Paul wakes Lex as he and Bill drag Ted to work with them. Once up, Lex stretches and grabs herself a poptart. The twins cry and she changes their diapers. Then she has the house to herself for the first time since she lost Ethan. She stops for a moment and just thinks.

Ethan. How good would he have been as a father?

Lex stops herself immediately.

He would have been a great dad.

He'd be a great dad (just saying) Where stories live. Discover now