Chapter 5: Oddly Ordinary

Beginne am Anfang

"H-Hey! Haseul! Vivi! How are you two?" Kun asked in between laughters. They all said they're fine and that the pokemon didn't gave them trouble at all, also telling how Haseul's sister absolutely love the two. Kun nodded along before he got up and was about to give them money for their services. The other two also gave their thanks wished them goodnight.

The three decided to lay down on the couch and watch a movie marathon. With popcorn in hand and pokemon on laps, they watched around 5 movies before they decided to sleep. So they put their Pokemon on their beds and did their usual night routines.

As Kun was finishing his routine, he felt two tiny hands wrap around his bare torso. He knew this was Taeil as hes was a lover of skinship so he lets him. That's until it slowly rubbed down his body, running over Kun's nipples, tracing over his pecs, travelling between his abs, before stopping at his crotch. He then started slowly circulating his hands, illiciting deep groans from the taller.

Kun chuckles before grabbing both hands in one fist. "What do you think you're doing baby boy?" He grunted, feeling the tension in the room becoming more hot and sexual.

"I missed you...." The smaller pouted, "I want to spend time with you and Doie...."

"Well then, shall you do the honprs?" The older's eyes sparkled wide before he lowered himself down. Kun looked up and saw his other partner by the door frame, bare from top to bottom, lazily feeling himself. As if a silent agreement, Doyoung nodded which Kun understood.

He felt a sudden rush of air run down his body before a pleasant sighed left his lips. 'This night will be fun' Kun thought.


Kun was woken up by the sounds of Chatots chattering away. He blinked slowly, adjusting his eyesight to the brightness. He then sat up and looked around, he's still bare after their night and also saw Doyoung already awake, reading a book, also naked.

He smile fondly at the younger, the way his reading glasses are almost mid-falling from his nose bridge, the way his focused eyes bore through the book like knife through butter, the way his face matches the emotion running through his head as he reads, these smallest things made Kun's heart flutter all these years ever since he first joined the relationship.

He was in a relationship before, they both loved each other. But with their busy schedule and Kun's role as Elite 4 member and it's responsibilities, they sort of fell out of love. The broke up while gazing on the busy streets of NeoZone. It was simple, quick, and...... empty. Kun didn't had the closure he would've wanted, it sort of broke him, made him feel lost and clueless. He was so sure he will never find someone again, that's until he met Doyoung and Taeil.

Doyoung was their Champion's, and his rival's childhood friend, he was there from the moment Taeyong got his starter, to the time he battled Junmyeon. Taeil on the other hand, was a new comer, recommend by Chen-hyung after he decided to retire to focus more on his family. He was timid and nervous; Kun passed by when Doyoung was assessing him, he looked terrified, but luckily stood his ground.

The Chinese saw how the older grew as a gym leader, how he become more confident in his skills and how he became more quick on his feet. But he also notice how the relationship of the two leaders flourished, the small talks, quiet giggling, the secret dates, it was all clear as day. Kun would be lying when he said that he was not jealous of their relationship. He wants something like that, how they both love each other, the longing eyes, the kisses, he wants that. Most importantly, he felt that he wanted to be part of that relationship. Luckily for him, he's not the only one feeling this.

All started with Taeil teasing him, increasing the tension, before he popped the question, 'Would you like to be part of our relationship?' Kun has never said yes so fast in his entire life. So after that, they started to go on dates, make love with each other, until they told their friend group about their relationship. They were very supportive. Ever since then he has been happily in a throuple for 2 years, finally getting the feeling he longed back then.

The sound of the ringtone of a phone filled the once quiet room. It was Kun's Rotom phone. It displayed in its screen a call from.... Taeyong? Why did he made the call? Probably a meeting for the Opening Ceremony.

Grunting, Kun settled his phone down, then sensing a moving presence at his right side. He lifted the covers to see a very sleepy Moon Taeil, rubbing his soft eyes, trying to snuggle closer to the younger's abdomen. His body soft and smooth, despite the numerous hickeys around his neck and chest, nodding to sleep cutely trying to stay awake; to be fair, they did so many rounds. The Chinese just smiled fondly and lead him to his chest, slowly lulling him back to sleep. Unknowing to them, Doyoung looked at the two and smiled contently. He decided to put his book back down, then went behind the smaller and spooning him from behind.

And so Taeil slept contently, spooned by both his boyfriends in a lazy weekend.


Kun entered a meeting room in the capital of NeoZone's city hall. He's with his other elite 4: Mark, Johnny, & Jaehyun as well as Taeyong. He greeted all of them, then taeyong started the meeting.

After discussing the current happening of the ceremony, Taeyong changed the subject, "So, this was not the main reason for the meeting."

"What's the meeting for then?" Mark asked, looking at Taeyong incredulously.

"I would tell you all, but I think it's best that these two would explain it." The champion finished as he pointed to the door, revealing two other people.

"Renjun? Yangyang?" I looked at the two. Why are they here?

"Hi hyungs, we got a problem in our town," Renjun started. "It all started when there was an explosion at the Aespire Tower, when we checked it out, a wall in the tower collapsed. There were a bunch of people in what seems to be formal uniform around the area, so we fought them."

"So after that, when we decided to explore what they were trying to find, we saw this," Yangyang followed, showing a picture from his phone to the projector. Everyone in the room gasped, the room showed were filled from top to bottom

"Not only that, we also found this," Yangyang continued, showing the two pendants from the hole. "These were inside the room, one seems to be a dark purple gem and the other a yellow one. What's curious is that when we touched it, it gave off a lavander and yellow glint respectively."

The other five looked and analyzed both the picture and the pendents. All of it was unbelievable.

"Do you all know what this means?" Renjun asked.

Everyone looked at Taeyong who was in deep thought. They all don't know what mystery they were dabbling, but he knows who might know.

"Kun--" Kun looked up at the Champion-- "can I ask you a favor?"


Slow and constant robotic beeps echo the seemingly silent lab. Each person was on their work typing on computers, analyzing data from holographic screens, and dissecting artifacts collected from previous adventures. One in particular, was a man with slick black hair, few strands of which hang in front on his computer screen. His white lab gown draped over his shoulders, with pens and knick-knacks scattered around his pockets. The sound of computer keys typing away as the man focuses on his newest book, "The Nature of the Legend: Discovering and Understanding the Power of The Neossence."

Then a phone call broke him out of his focus. Taking a tired breathe, he took the call, "Hello, This is Professor Ji Hansol speaking."

"Uh- Hello........ I need your help."

The professor froze on his seat. He couldn't believe it, after all these years, he has heard that voice again.


FINALLY I GOT A CHAPTER DONE. I AM TERRIBLY SORRY FOR THE VERY LATE CHAPTER. School was taking so much of my time as well as college applications, and my mental state is going bonkers. But luckily i manage to complete it. I hope you enjoy the chapter, please comment and vote, I really appreciate it.

~~~~~To Be Continued~~~~~

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Oct 18, 2022 ⏰

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