📝 Chapter 77. Brit awards February 25, 2015

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February 25, 2015

London, England

The Brit awards

(Taylor's perspective)

It's early in the morning and I am already up ready to leave for the Bit awards in the London.

"Elizabith wake up. We have to fly out to London today in order to get to the Brit awards in time." I said opening Elizabith's bedroom door, Elizabith is still sleeping.

"Elizabith get up." I said and I hear her mumble under the covers. "Okay." Elizabith said her voice still groggy. I go into my room and get dressed, I walked down stairs.

Elizabith walks into the kitchen dressed for the day, "What did you say to me when you walked into my room? I was half asleep." Elizabith said.

"We are going to the Brit awards today." I said. "Wait the Brit awards? What's that?" Elizabith asks. "A award show in the UK." I said. "We are going to London?!" Elizabith asks. "Yes." I said laughing at her sudden burst of energy.

"I never been out of that stupid old orphanage let along the country!! What is London like?! Is it cold there?! Do people talk funny like in the movies? Wait that's mean. They think we talk funny don't they? What time are we going?! How long are we staying?! What will we do?!" Elizabith asks a billion questions at once.

I laugh, what is she on? "Did you suddenly ate sugar or something?" I ask. "I'm just excited about going to London." Elizabith said.

After we finish eating breakfast we put our plates onto the sink.

"Let's get ready to leave." I said and I walked back up into my room. I got my suit case and out the right amount of closes I need for the trip. We won't be gone for that long, just a day. I finish packing and I carry my suit case down the stairs and put it next to the door.

Elizabith walks down with her suit case, "Ready to go?" Elizabith asks. "Yes you?" I ask. "Uh huh." Elizabith said. "Wait what about Meredith and Olivia?" she asks looking for them.

"They will be fine here for just a day or so. I usually call Selena or someone else in town to check up on them." I said. "Okay." Elizabith.

We walk out the door and get into the car, "Good Morning girls." Dave said. "Morning." I said. We put on our seat belts as the car started to move down the road.

We arrive at the airport, and step into the airport. We quickly make our way to the plane trying to not get noticed by anyone. Thankfully mostly everyone in here is too busy trying to get to where they need to go and not paying much attention to the people around them. We only get a few glances or stairs but from people who are older or don't really care, or maybe scared off by the body guards.

We step on to the plane for a long ride to England.

*hours later*

We land on the ground and we step off of the plan. We get into our car and drive to the apartment.

We walk into the apartment and put our suit cases into our rooms.

"When are we leaving for the show?" Elizabith ask. "In a few hours." I  said. "Okay." Elizabith said.

"I am starving. What do you want for lunch?" I asks walking into the kitchen.

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