Chapter 85. April 4, 2015 Abigail's birthday

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April 4, 2015

Abigail's Birthday Party

(Taylor's perspective)

"It's Abigail's birthday today." I said.

"It is?! That's fun is she doing anything today?" Elizabith ask.

"She is having a party at her house. Do you want to go?" I ask.

"Yes Birthday Party's are always fun." I said.

"Okay. I have a few surprises for Abigail as well." I said.

"What are you planning?" Elizabith asks.

"I can't tell or it wouldn't be a surprise." I said.

"You can tell me. I won't tell." Elizabith said.

"I called the lead singer of one of her all time favorite bands to see if he can come and surprise her. He said that he was free today and is coming over in a few hours." I said.

"That's so cool! She will be really excited." Elizabith said.

A few hours later we get ready to leave for the party. "All set?" I ask.

"Yep." Elizabith said. "Let's go." I said.

We walk out of the house and get into the SUV. The car drives down the road to Abigail's house. We arrive at Abigail's house and get out of the car. We walk up to her house and ring the door bell. The door opens and Abigail's mom is standing in the door way.

"Hello Taylor come in." Abigail's mom said. "Hi it's good to see you again." I said. "It's good to see you. Who is this?" Abigail's mom asked. "This is my daughter Elizabith." I said. "Oh yes, I remember Abigail saying something about you getting a kid. Well I wouldn't say kid more like a teenager. How old are you?" Abigail's mom asked.

"Seventeen." Elizabith said. "Well you are a beautiful young lady. I hope you both fun at the party. Make yourself at home." Abigail's mom said and walked away.

We walked into the house and it's set up for Abigail's party, balloons everywhere. There even is a photo booth in the living room.

Abigail see's that we are here and walks up to us, "Hey guys!" Abigail said hugging us both.  "Happy birthday Abigail." I said. Thank you." Abigail said.

"How are you doing? How is your mom doing?" Abigail asks. "She is at the hospital right now doing chemotherapy. She is tired because that is just once of the sign affects of the chemo working. Other then that she is fighting." I said. "She can beat it. She is a tough women." Abigail said.

"Hi Elizabith." Abigail said. "Hi Abigail. Happy Birthday." Elizabith said. "Thank you." Abigail said.

"Feel free to walk around, the bathroom is down the hall to the left." Abigail said. "Okay." I said.

More and more people begin to arrive as the time goes by. Everyone goes around the room introducing themselves and tell how they know Abigail. A few hours later everyone is making small talk just the the lights in the room went dim.

(Elizabith's perspective)

Abigail and all of her guests are in the same room until the lights in the room went dark. Everyone gasped then cheered when they see me and Abigail's mom help carry the cake out to them. We placed the cake in front of Abigail and everyone cheers.

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