"Well, even though they can be annoying, having siblings is pretty nice. You're never bored that's for sure," he chuckled and Jasmine smiled. "I mean, at least you have your parents." And at that, Jasmine's smile disappeared. Raph looked at her, concerned at the sudden change in her mood.

"Did I say something wrong?" He asked himself. He watched her face go through a range of emotions before settling on stone cold and emotionless.

"Actually, I don't." She said softly, sadness laced in her tone although she hid it fairly well. Raph felt himself droop and his expression softened.

"Oh. I'm-... I'm sorry, I didn't know-..."

"I know you didn't. Not many do. They died a few years ago, I just stayed here. I was competent to take care of myself anyhow. I always did it when they were gone on work." She explained.

"Can I ask how-..."

"Mysterious hit and run," she said plainly. "The police suspect it was on purpose, but never caught the killers."Raph winced.

"I'm so sorry, Jasmine." Jasmine shrugged and kicked her heels against the building.

"It's okay. It's not like you knew. It's just-... still fresh, ya know?" Raph nodded and looked down. "Well, now that I've completely killed the mood;" she started in a laughing tone. "I guess I should head in, I still have school tomorrow since I skipped out on today's classes," she stood up and brushed herself off, Raph following her lead and standing.

"Are you sure you're okay? I mean, you did get hit pretty hard on the head," Raph crossed his huge arms and Jasmine forced herself not to stare.

"Yeah, don't worry, I'm fine. I'm a tough girl, a knock to the head won't keep me down for long," she smiled at him and he watched the reflection of the city lights dance in her eyes.

"I just don't want him to come around here again. We still aren't sure what his intentions were," Raph mused. Jasmine cocked her head a little bit in question. Raph held up a finger in a "wait a minute" gesture and reached into one of the pouches on his belt for his phone.

"Do you have your phone on you?" He asked her. She nodded and grabbed it from an inside pocket in her jacket, handing it to him. He quickly added his number to her contacts and gave her back the phone. "If anything happens, or someone comes back or you need help, call me. I can get here within ten," he said. Jasmine nodded and put her phone back in her pocket.

"Thanks Raph." Then she smirked. "Can this number be used for other things?"

"Like what?" Raph chuckled nervously.

"I don't know. If I just want to talk," Jasmine shrugged. "Gets lonely when I'm always by myself."

"I-I guess." Raph stuttered. Jasmine smiled.

"Nice." Then she glanced once more across the city skyline. "Well, thanks for checking in on me. It's been a while since I've met an actual nice person," she admitted.

"Anytime." Raph went down the fire escape, Jasmine starting her climb down after him. When he reached the level with her window, he looked up, only to hear a small screech of surprise, then Jasmine falling down the last few steps towards him. He instinctively shot his arms out under her and caught her before she fell.

"Jesus," he vaguely heard her say, but he was distracted by other things. Like how light she was, and how his arms burned where her hands clutched them. "Raph?" He heard her call him and looked at her.

"What?" He asked distractedly. She giggled.

"I said thank you for catching me," she smirked, still not moving from his arms.

"Oh. Oh right, yeah." He gently set her down onto her feet. "You're welcome." He prayed to God his mask covered the blush he surely had on his cheeks. She opened her window and crawled inside, Raph leaning on the edge of it, still feeling the tingling burn of where her skin touched his.

"Well, I guess I'll see you around?" She turned and asked him. He nodded.

"Possibly." She just smiled and shook her head.

"Thanks again. This was nice, I kinda needed someone new to talk to."

"Yeah, any excuse to get away from my brothers for a while," he chuckled. Jasmine smiled and watched him stand up to his full height.

"Stay safe out there Raphael." He smirked back at her.

"Always." And with that he was gone, hopping gracefully across the rooftops and disappearing into the shadows of the night. Jasmine rubbed at the heart she drew on her wrist, feeling it burn hot against her skin.

"Odd." She thought to herself as she closed her window.

Meanwhile, Raphael was racing home, trying to outrun the unusual feeling of happiness from the normally moody turtle. He rubbed his wrist as he ran, wincing when the drawn on heart started to burn and feel hot.

But he couldn't stop the smile from creeping onto his face the whole way home.

Well damn. Someone's after Jasmine, Raphael's catching feelings, we still don't know who's after Jasmine, and Raph and Jasmine both have drawings on their wrists! I wonder why?-.... Geez, plot holes that need filling😂.

Just to let you know if you didn't already, the first chapter of a new collab between me and Evaortizsnowangel , TMNT 2014 Reacts, is out now! Go check it out if you haven't already!

XX Shadow


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