It All Starts Here

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It was a warm day, and the sun was shining down on the Kento Region in Japan. You stepped out of your history class and walked through the halls of your high school building the sun's rays were bouncing off of. The day was over, and you were excited to go home. Your homework was done, and you could just relax on your couch and watch TV. You were especially ready to get out of the school uniform you were required to wear and get into some comfy clothes. You got off the last step of the staircase and walked to your locker. You opened it and set your books inside, and shut the locker, putting in the code on the lock. 

   " Hey, Y/n. "

You looked to your right and saw your friend approaching you and your locker. You smiled at them and gave them a small wave.

   " Hey, Light. You look. . .tired. "

   " I am, I guess. I've got a lot of studying to do when I get home. "

   " You should take a break every once in a while you know. Studying all the time can't be good for your health. "

   " Being the top student in the class isn't easy you know. I have to study. "

   " This is why I don't envy you. I don't want to be the top in the class. I think number six suits me pretty well. "

   " And this is why we're friends, because you don't envy me. "

   " Or chase after you like the other girls. "

   " Are you not taking anything but your backpack home? "

   " I've finished everything for the day, so I'm going to go to my apartment and relax. "

   " Want me to walk you? "

   " I've got it, but thanks for the offer. "

   " Okay, have a good evening. "

   " You too, Light. And tell Sayu I said hello. "

   " I will. "

Light waved at you before walking to the front doors of the high school and leaving. You could see him pulling out a book as he walked down the courtyard and onto the sidewalk beside the road. You rolled your eyes at him and left the school, but heading in the opposite direction that he walked on the sidewalk. You didn't live in a house but in an apartment. When you turned eighteen, you moved out of your parent's house and decided to live life independently, and you worked at a job to get an apartment. You worked for the local police. You acted like a secretary inside the building. Often you would organize all of the files they had stored in a room, or you would sit at the front desk with your superior. It paid well, and it gave you enough to pay for the apartment and some food for the month. You didn't have to go to work today, so you walked straight to your apartment building. You walked into the hotel and went straight to the elevator. You pushed your floor button, and the elevator started moving past the other floors. When you reached your floor, you stepped off of the elevator and walked down the hallway until you stood in front of your apartment door. You pulled your uniform jacket so you could angle the pocket closer to you. You stuffed your hand in your pocket to get the key out, and you put it in the lock to get into your apartment. You walked through the door and took your shoes off by the door, and slipping on slippers. You walked through the living room and went into your bedroom to change into some different clothes. Once you were in some comfortable clothes, you heard lightning strike and raindrops start to hit your windows. 

   ' The news did say that there was a seventy percent chance it would rain today. I'm glad I'm not outside walking in it. I feel bad for Light though, he had night school tonight and he has to walk in the storm. I should call him and see if he's drenched. I swear he doesn't take care of himself. '

You left your room and walked into your living room, and settled down on your couch. You turned on the TV and clicked on a channel you watched when you could. You picked up your phone and dialed Light's number. You listened to the ringing until he picked up the phone. 

   " Hello? "

   " Hi, Light. How are you? "

   " I'm fine, I got home from nightclass tonight and I'm soaked. "

   " I bet, the rain is pouring hard and the lightning is making it feel more ominise. "

   " You do live by yourself, it should be. "

   " Well, it is late. I'll let you go and I'm going to relax on the couch. "

   " Okay, thanks for checking up on me. "

   " Anytime, bye. "

You hung up the phone and paid attention to the TV. You finished watching the program and started flicking through the other channels. You flicked to the news, and you decided to stick with the news. As you watched the TV, they brought up the topic of criminals dying at a quick rate. It perplexed everyone how criminals were suddenly dying from heart attacks, even when their health was clean.

   ' This has been happening for the last five days. There's either some disease going around or someone is killing them. It's gotta be a disease because they're all dying of heart attacks. But then what disease could it be? '

You continued to ponder what was going on and why criminals were suddenly dying, and you couldn't come to any conclusion on what was happening.

The Killer or The Detective (Light x Reader x L Lawliet)Where stories live. Discover now