chapter 38: nightmare

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Idhrenel was woken by the sound of Legolas screaming. She fled her room, making her way along the corridor towards the room of her son. Legolas had nightmares, that was nothing new. He'd had them when he was very little but he had grown out of them. Sometimes it took only seeing that her father and mother were alive and breathing to calm him. But other nights it could take hours of coercing him to get back into bed and insisting that everything was fine and that there was nothing wrong.

Idhrenel skidded to a halt in the doorway. Her heart hammered hard in her chest and a mixture of affection and relief flooded over her. Legolas was in bed, shivering slightly perhaps due to the cold or his nightmare. But he was silent, almost tranquil. She walked closer until she could crouch beside his bed, she bent her head towards him as she uttered something under her breath. She started to singing. "Av-'osto, titta mine, odulen an edraith angin, penneth. Losto vae, titta mine, gi melin, gi melin"

Legolas's shivers stopped, the only part of his body still quivering was a tiny hand that had somehow managed to worm its way into his mothers long hair. Idhrenel untangled her son's hand from her hair gently so it would not hurt him. Legolas rolled over and yawned, arms coming up to his face to pillow his head. She then walked forwards and pulled the covers up, tucking Legolas back into bed. She then bent down and placed a gentle, soft kiss to her son's forehead before gently backing away. As she had expected, Idhrenel woke with a snoring Legolas at her feet. The sun was high in the sky, yellow beams floating in through a small gap in the light, summer curtains. She smiled as she looked over at her son who had just woke with a start. "Quel amrun, my little leaf." (Good morning) She mumbled as she wiped her eyes.

"Are you ok meleth-nin?" Idhrenel was now fully awake, sitting up next to her son with her hand on Legolas's shoulder and a concerned expression on her face. "You were talking in your sleep again. Was it a bad dream?" He nodded solemnly, leaning to his mother's chest and wrapping his arm around her tightly. "I knew it wasn't real but you...I can't..."

"Shh, I'm here. I'm ok." She kissed the top of her son's head and ran her fingers softly through his hair, holding him close. "I cannot promise I won't leave you one day, but I am here now." She put her hand underneath Legolas's chin and turned his face until she was looking in his eyes, kissed his forehead, and then pressed her forehead against his. "How about we go for a picnic today?" Idhrenel questioned, "Your father should be returning in a couple of days.. hopefully there wouldn't be a delay. I know how much you hate delays." Legolas laughed, thinking about when he saw his cousins a couple of months before, and nestled closer to his mother, they stayed in that position for a while before they decided to get ready for the day.

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