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I freaking swore to myself I'd never write a story about mental illnesses but here I am.

I'm not giving up on this story, but I feel like I'd want to like, write another story involving Skylox. I'm considering it, and it will definitely kill people since I'm a villain to happy endings. But I'm only considering, not declaring and making it for sure. Depends if I think up a really good original idea in time that no one wrote about yet. Like, I wouldn't write a FNAF crossover or anything someone already thought up. Don't wanna steal ideas you feel. I'll make an announcement whether I'll do it or not. If not, I'll put it in next chapter's author's notes. If yes, you'll see a new book. 

Some things may be weird, confusing, or unnecessary but I'm writing from personal experience and intense research and I know what I'm doing and saying alright? Alright. Alright. AaaaaAAAAALRIGHT. Some confusing because I myself don't know why they did that but they did it anyways no matter how unnecessary. Yeah, okay just start.))

        The policemen and men in suits waited around for something, talking into walkie talkies and Bluetooth ear devices. I wasn't sure if the men with dark, ominous sunglasses were watching Adam, but they were waiting for something. No one would leave. They all looked over to the road across for something.

        I took their waiting time to observe our surroundings. This...this is a new server. This is something entirely new and different. I traveled even outside the boundaries of the server we lived in, and I've never seen this. But I didn't notice us driving through the menu to go to another server? This place must really be a secret. Only a select number of people go here, probably. That isn't always a positive thing, though. I sighed, looking at the waste of good weather. The sky's spotless blue, the perfectly lined trees swaying lightly to tropical breezes, the intense suspenseful silence of the area.

        I sighed shakily, leaning my head onto Adam's shoulder. I looked in anticipation at the road the people were staring at. A black van slowly made its way to us. It parked next to our car and 2 men with machine guns came out, their heads and faces covered with armor hats and masks, bulletproof diamond vests with pockets for extra ammunition. They stood on each side of the door as a man in a suit from the glass building came and opened the door to let Adam out. I followed, anxious at the weaponry they held. He wasn't physically violent, they didn't need to restrain him this much. As soon as he got in the van, the men with guns followed after, seated behind him.

        I looked over at him as he looked at me. His face was strangely stoic, completely unaffected by whatever's happening to him. I put my hand on his and he have a little smile, resting his head back with a small sigh.

        The van drove off. It's been driving for hours now. It's night time as we arrived to wherever the hell we are. I looked around, having fallen asleep on the ride. The plants around we're dead and barren. The 5 story building in front of us is the only building in sight. This place is way too far from society. Way too far to be comfortable. From location and transportation, I could already tell how sick this place will be. But I can't do anything.

        The van was accepted into the parking lot in the front of the building. I saw 4 military vans parked up front, armed men guarding the perimeter. I looked over at the wide awake Adam, obviously terrified of what kind of place he's being dropped off at. The can parked, the armed men getting off first to escort Adam inside. He obeyed quickly, knowing their advantage and his choices. I floated with him, looking nervously around us. The driver got down too and scanned a card at the entrance, allowing access. The doors had two layers of bars and fences, electronically controlled and most likely electrified.

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