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((Dear God I can't take my fanfics seriously when I type out titles like that.

As you guys might have known already, I made a new book with a whole new story. Woo inspiration Skylox again of course. Who else can I write about? Kinda updating a lot since I'm caught up and ahead of my school work so I can relax and spend my time as I wish. Finally.

Also wooo finally drew another cover that isn't 10 months old.))

        He smiled. He smiled at us. He was happy to see us. He...made eye contact with me? He waved hello, but Adam was too shocked to even do anything. He turned to face forward, disappearing into the hallwasy. I...he's alive at least, but this is the last place I would want to find him. I'm surprised he still had the good in his heart to be happy to see us. He's such a good really sucks that he got into this...

        Adam was frozen, silent and thinking. Probably about what he did to get into a psychiatric hospital. Then again, what did he do? Actualy, I don't wanna think about it. I don't wanna know about whatever he did to get in here. I hope it's something harmless like being able to make potions that are out of normality. Maybe they're testing his skills and his thought process. There's nothing wrong with him...

        This place is fucking depressing. This whole situation is horrible. I need to get all of us out somehow. The doctor came back in with a tri folded paper and a cup of water. She left shortly after Adam said thank you. I peeked through the one sided mirror, finding the doctor get micropipettes with small blood samples in it. She released it into a what looks similar to a scanner and observed the blood activity in the computer screen. "42 minutes till complete". I came back in the room and sat against the wall, groaning in boredom. "I know." Adam responded.

        I crossed my arms and bowed my head. What the hell can I do to get Adam and Seto out? If only we could phase through walls as easily as I could. That would make everything easier. But shit, I have to have a well thought out plan on how to escape. People need those cards to open doors. There's probably tiers of cards and I need to get the right ones to open the right doors. Those security people have it. That'll do, but I need a card from the CEO or executive or something. Kinda like a master key.

        I droned on about little details needed to escape, but never really had an escape plan. I bored myself, accidentally closing my eyes and falling asleep to pass time.


        Adam shook me awake, telling me it's almost time to go. Go where? What's happening?

     A young nurse came by, talking politely while asking regular doctor questions like allergies, medicine, sexual activeness, the usual. She wrote it down on a complicated looking paper attached to a clipboard and escorted Adam to a rolling hospital bed outside the room. He lied down on one side, confused as to why he needed to be reeled around when he could clearly walk on his own. He looked at me and motioned his head next to the empty space beside him. I walked over, lying down next to him and leaning my head on his shoulders. Two young nurses rolled us into the hallway Seto walked in to and opened the elevator at the side.

        Adam and I both tried to look in to every windowed door in the hallway, trying to spot Seto. As we were pushed into the elevator, the nurses pressed the button to the lowest floor. The elevator stopped a couple times, people saying they'll just wait for the next elevator. Reaching the bottom, the nurses pushed the bed over into a double doored room with "Adult Psychiatric Hold" bolded on the top. They're not even trying to hide anything.

        One of the nurses went in first, talking to someone at the front desk. I couldn't make out what they were saying, but I heard something about a special case...? Whatever's going on, I'm not happy with it. They let Adam in, letting him get off the bed as some patients in regular clothes glanced over at him, others eyeing him. They all sat in couches encircling a table, watching Tv up on the wall above a shelf of books. The large porch window outside gave no light, eerily overgrown with plants picking at the window edges. I got off the bed, floating around the room, getting to know the surroundings. I looked out the window to see that it was a huge porch, complete with tables for eating and space to play around. It was gated heavily, though. This place was well lit, yet gave off the atmosphere of being in a creepy dark hallway.

        "You're not the only angel here..." A gruff voice caught my attention. I turned around, but he couldn't be talking to me. I looked for the source of the voice to see a burly patient staring right at me from one of the couches. "Yeah, I'm talking to you. Guard yourself. The demons are not friendly." No patient gave mind to what he was saying, or who he was talking to. Adam nervously glanced at me and the man as he filled out some papers at the desk. "How can you..." I trailed off. "We all saw you." A grumpy, skinny old man said, his eyes still focused on the TV. "Who are you assigned to guard, Mr. Angel?" He then looked over at me, hands on his knees.

        Adam looked at them in astonishment. "Don't worry, they do this all the time. It's harmless." A nurse across the desk assured him, but of course had no idea of anything. He continued back to his paperwork, swallowing. "Use yer brain, Frankie. We never saw this angel 'till th'new guy came in! Put two and two together!" A man with a heavy Scottish accent said, sitting on the couch facing away from me. "What's yet name, sonny?" He looked over his shoulder. "...Ty."

        "Yer a quiet one aren't cha?" He chuckled, turning back to the TV. "Look here." The buff man talked again. "It's not only people you need to guard from your human over there. There are demons plaguing this damned building. They can influence his thinking. Maybe turn him against you. Stand strong. Fight them, but know when to run. Our angels didn't. Now we're stuck here with no guidance."

        "Tim, sir, please don't speak like that. You might be giving other patients anxiety." The nurse called over the desk. He huffed, looking at me with a nod. I nodded back, though I'm not sure why or what it meant that I nodded back. "We're not crazy, y'know." The old man I assumed is named Frankie declared. "We just have a special sight. You, nurse lady, you banished your angel away from you because you've no faith." He shook his finger quite rudely at her. "They tell me what you go through after your hours 'ere at work. Th'demons plague you. But you blame it on us, believing that being around people like us make you mental, no sir, mental isn't spread like a physical disease, ignorant child," He rambled on. "I sense a strong bond between Adam boy and Ty over there. It will really take quite a lot to separate this angel from his human."

        A special individual came out of his room in his pajamas. Adam stopped what he was doing and hugged him tightly. Seto hugged back, and I couldn't help but fly over and fling myself over them as well. I heard Adam mumble apologies quickly in his neck, the nurse asking them to separate since physical contact isn't allowed. Ignoring her, we stayed in this hug, relishing this reunion. "It's okay. It's not your fault. I'm not mad. It's okay." he mumbled back. "Good to see you again, Ty." He smiled up at me. Adam finally let go of the hug, tearing up. "How have you both been doing?"

        "Content." I answered for the both of us. "Say, have you seen Brice? I assumed that he would be my angel. Has he not found me yet? It doesn't take this long for angels to find who they're supposed to be guarding." Adam and I exchanged a confused look. "Does he think he's only a ghost? Did he not find his abilities? Wait, do you not know, Ty?" Seto questioned further like a cute confused puppy.

        Angel...Why do they keep saying angel? I'm not an...



        Suddenly being alive and human...

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