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((Can you tell I take my fanfics seriously?

Smut and horrible things ahead!! Enjoy your stay :^) ))

        "Well, I've looked everywhere actually. Even in 5 different towns and cities. You think he went to a village to lay low and live normally?" Brice's eyes glowed with hope. "We probably have to look for one we haven't seen before, though. He wouldn't be in a place people already know about apparently."

        "Yeah, why not? I need to get my mind off something. But...if we really can't find him...have you ever considered looking in the Nether or Aether?"

        Brice paused, his smile weakening. "I really didn't want to check in those places, but if I have to, I will. I mean, he wouldn't die, right? Even in hardcore mode, he'd respawn. Not like us with discontinued accounts. He wouldn't be..." Brice's brows furrowed in thought. Would he really?

        "Hey, don't strain yourself now. One thing at a time. And we really don't know. No one knows. We can't blame anyone for that. Let's just go look in villages first." I patted him on the back and stood up. He looked up at me with gratefulness and hope in his eyes, the smile forming once more. I envy how he could have a chance to be with the one he loves. That he's so optismic and confident he will be reunited with him. I wish I could have that chance. That out going attitude that keeps me moving.

        Ugh, again with the jealousy.

        We flew out of the house, soaring through fields sprinkled with herds of horses and bunnies here and there. Nothing in sight yet. We simply sailed together in quiet unison, scanning the area for villages.

        "How did you become a ghost?" Brice broke our silence.

        "Well, uh, Notch told me that I wasn't done here in this world. Left my account on limbo, but not deleted. I went to the Nether first, though. I was meant to be a ghast that would forever cry about life or something, but Herobrine kicked me out, saying I'm not an actual soul and I'm just an inanimate object that wasn't supposed to be alive in the first place. Then I was sent to The End since Herobrine didn't know what to do with me. I wish I stayed there. I actually got along with the Enderdragon surprisingly after a little fiasco I had with it before. He sent me to the Aether so I can get some peace for the afterlife, but that's when Notch sent me back down here. I don't know, it was weird. What about you?"

        "Wow. Weird. I went to the Aether but the Mojang crew kinda kicked me out till I finished caring. Don't know what that means. I wasn't supposed to die, i think yet here I am. Maybe...I will find Seto. If I wasn't supposed to die then maybe Seto knows a way to bring us back! You have unfinished business, I'm not supposed to die, it makes so much sense! We could come back to life and finish living our lives properly!" He smiled enthusiastically.

        I don't know, I've heard of spirits that never moved on to the Aether or Nether because they never let something go.

        "How did you find out you were dead?" He suddenly asked.

        "Oh, well, um, I was just really, really confused for a while. Y'know, Herobrine saying I'm not a valid soul and Notch not letting me in the Aether. It was weird. I was really confused. I went about my normal life, but noticed Adam was gone and moved on. I was hurt for a while, thinking that he just tried erasing all traces of him so I wouldn't find out he loved someone else. I yelled at him once, but he looked unphased. Then he passed right through me. I put the puzzle pieces together and came to the reaization I was dead. I also regained the rest of my memories when I was alive." I explained, coughing a little as we entered the desert biome, sand hitting my face.

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