Authors notes and Prologue

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This is my first Fanfic. I started reading Harry Potter durring the summer of 2012 after a number of Girlscouts threatened me with their wands. It isn't actualy as bad as it sounds. 

Now I am writing a fanfic. I usualy over think things that I write, so I have never acctualy written any thing. I hape that you enjoy this. And go easy on me because Im new. Just Kidding. Feel free to point out every misspelling, grammar error or flaw in the plot that you find. It will help me fix things. You can also say what you want to have happen, though I have half of this story planned already (see what I mean about over thinking things?).

One more thing. Copy right realy confuses me, so every thing belongs to J. K. Rowling, unless it came from my imagination.

OK, now you can read.  

Light fluffy snowflakes were floating down from the sky as a figure ran through the streets. The flakes stuck to her jacket and long brown hair. She stopped when she reached the out side of a shop and looked at the hand painted lettering of the sign. The sight of it made her sad. It had been a whole year scince she had last been here. then, the shop had then been so lively, with many people coming in and out to buy wnads and other magical items and decorations. Now, the owners were now gone, and she didn't know when she would see them again, but even though every one said they were dead, the girl knew better. 

She ran home and took off her coat to dry. Sitting in her favorite chair, she took out her note book and glanced out side. Even the snow was reminding her of her friends. She sighed and began to write. 

This part is supposed to confuse every one. Don't worry. :)

The Students of Hogwarts and the Sorting HatDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora