Ditch Day

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Chapter 7
(2 weeks later)
Rachel's pov:
I was walking into school when I saw a sight I never thought I have to see , Jesse kissing another girl . I froze and my heart dropped to my stomach . It's only been a couple of weeks since we broke up . I knew he would eventually move on but I didn't think it be so soon , especially after everything. I kept staring at Jessie and his new girl at my locker when suddenly Finn came over to me .
"Hey." He said
"Hey Finn ."
"How is everything?" He asked me
"It's okay I guess , it be a lot better if I didn't have to watch my ex make out with another girl." I said still looking at Jessie .
He looked at Jessie and then said ,

"Come on let's get out of this hell hole."

"What do you mean?" I asked him 

" I mean let's ditch ." He told me

"Finn we can't ditch." I told him

"Yes we can, come on Rach have a little fun." He said and took my hand and we left school

(Down by the Lake)
Finn and I went to the lake and sat there in the sun feeling the warmth on our face . Finn looked at me and smiled ,
"Isn't this relaxing?"

"Yeah it is actually." I said slightly smiling .

He looked at me and said ,
"I know it's been hard for you Rachel ever since Jesse broke up with you but I want you to know you're not alone."

I looked down at the water seeing my reflection and said , "I appreciate that Finn , but I know how Quinn feels about me and I don't wanna cause any trouble especially since what happened between us before."

He lifted up my chin to look at me and said, "Rachel, I don't care what anyone thinks about you , at the end of the day you're my friend and I wanna hang out with you . As for what happened with us before .... it wasn't an accident but unless you feel differently I can forget about it if you can ."

I sighed and said ,
"Are you sure ? I don't wanna cause any trouble."

He smiled and took my hand ,
"I'm sure , we're friends , no matter what." And he gave me a hug .

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