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Chapter 5
(2 weeks later)
Rachels pov:
It's been 2 weeks since I tried to end my life , and now I'm back home , cooped up in my room . My parents and Sam have been watching me life a hawk, sometimes when I'm asleep I hear Sam coming in and sitting in my beanbag chair just to make sure I'm okay . I keep having this feeling like I'm in the fog , and I'm stuck there , and there's no way out . I woke up this morning to see my step brother Sam sleeping in the bean bag chair . I got up and went to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror , I felt broken , like a puzzle with a missing piece . I was starring at my reflection and I thought about Jessie and how he treated me , then I thought about Finn , and what we did that day , I thought about how he hit Jessie after he came to the hospital, I thought about how Sam and my parents must be so disappointed in me . How this has taken such a toll on them . I thought about how angry I was and then before I knew it my fist hit the mirror shattering it . I looked at my bloody knuckle , I started to panic , I shut the door and began to cry . I felt hopeless and alone , I felt a weight on my chest , I sighed deeply holding my hand in pain . Suddenly the door opened and it was Finn.

"Oh my goodness, are you okay?" He asked me seeing my bloody hand

"Where's Sam ? How did you even get in here ?" I asked him

"Your mom let me in , Sam and I were going to hang out , he's in his room getting ready . Can I help with your hand ?" He asked me

"Yeah.... there's bandages in the cabinet." I said

He got the bandages and sat down and cleaned my hand and then began to wrap it .

"So , wanna tell me what happened?" He asked me

"Oh I just ... I accidentally hit the mirror and ...."

He looked at me with a look of conviction,

"You don't have to lie to me ."

I looked down and said ,

"I thought about him , about how he treated me and then before I knew it my fist hit the mirror."

He finished wrapping me up said ,

"Well, at least you got a mighty punch." He joked

I wiped my tears and said ,


He put my hair behind my ear ,

"You okay?" He asked me

"I don't anymore ." I said

He gave me and hug and said,

"I don't know everything that happened with you and Jessie but I do know this , for too long he has made you feel inadequate and you , you deserve better, you deserve someone who is going to lift you up ."

"Thanks Finn ."

He looked at me and leaned in and just as I thought he was going to kiss me , he pulled away and said ,

"I should go find Sam ." And I nodded and he left .

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