Chapter 1

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I was still on the run. After the Avengers destroyed the Hydra base where I was held, I was on the run. Not only is Hydra looking for me, but also S.H.I.E.L.D. I don't want to end up being a lab rat again. Lucky that Hydra had trained me so well. They themselves have trouble to find me and that's a good thing.

"Мисс, мы здесь." (Miss we are here.) said the taxi driver.
"Спасибо." (Thank you.)
I got out of the taxi after paying the man. I had rented a small apartment and hoped nobody would find me.

2 years later

It's been two years since I came to Russia and hid in Moscow. Nobody has found me yet and I hope it stays that way. I was in my neighbour's apartment, a very nice old lady. She asked me to take care of her cats while she was in the hospital.

"Niemand hat mir gesagt das es so viele Katzen sind. Ich hätte ja verstanden wenn es zwei gewesen wären, aber nein es müssen gleich 10 sein." (Nobody told me that there are so many cats. I would have understood if there had been two, but no, it had to be ten). I complained in German.

But what do you not do for your neighbors and the old lady is always so nice to me. After I finished feeding the cats, I went back to my apartment. As soon as I had entered it, I got a bad feeling, as if someone had found me. And I should be right about my feeling.

I hid in the hallway as I heard voices coming from the living room. From the voices I recognized that there were two women. They both spoke in Russian. Thanks to Hydra, I understood quite a few languages.

"Что ты здесь делаешь?" (What are you doing here?)
"Я мог бы спросить тебя о том же, сестра." (I could ask you the same thing, sister.)

Since I didn't know who they were working for, I didn't want to stay in my apartment. When I wanted to quietly disappear again, I bumped into a small table and threw the vase on the floor.

"Scheiße" (Shit) I swore in German. Now I heard steps approaching and I had to leave as quickly as possible. Before they could reach me, I was out the door and heard both of them cursing. Now I had to get out of here, but for that I needed help.

I would like to apologize for the typographical errors as English is not my mother tongue. I got the russian words with google translator. So I don't know whether they are right or not. And the chapter is quite short. I'll try to write the next one a little longer

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