Note 2 Important

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Hey loves! 

I hope y'all loved this story as much as I loved writing it! It was so much fun writing 'Guardian Angel' even though I wanted to pull my hair out every time I had writer's block because I wanted to update for y'all because y'all were so looking forward to new chapters!  

And I want to apologize for the slow updates, and me taking like seriously FOREVER to update! I just couldn't find a way to update this story since everything I written was on my laptop, but I got it up didn't I? Some people may have just stopped reading this story completely since I took so long to update, but I apologize, I'm so sorry! 

Anyways, one second note! 
There will be a SECOND BOOK to this series! It WON'T be focused on Charlotte nor Tyler though, y'all already know what happens with them. 

The second story will be about Owen Chance, remember the cheesy funny Diner guy in some of the chapters? Yeah I'm writing his story also, it's going to be about Owen and this girl named Parker Grace. It's during College I decided. 

Listen to the song on the side, if you have a Spotify look for 'Your Favorite Coffeehouse' play list! 

Picture on the side? The title of the story and cover of the new story! Hope y'all like! (: 

If you have any question's don't be afraid to comment and ask! I love, Love, LOVE hearing from you guys! 

Anyways, I just wanted y'all to know! 

God Bless. 
Xoxo - Rae <3 

Guardian Angel - (NV) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now