"I spelled him to tell the truth," she sighed as she locked the door, "so that is what he did. Now, we have bigger problems. We need to figure out what he meant."

"He said his friend wasn't dead," I shook my head, "he was talking about Ron. He had to of been."

"I know," she nodded, "I'll send a message to Justin and see how things are going." She snapped her fingers and a piece of paper with a pen appeared. She wrote on it and then set it in the palm of her hand, crinkling it into a ball. It burst into flames and disappeared.

"What was that?" I asked, "why'd it burn?"

"It doesn't actually burn," she smiled as she sat down beside me, "that is just the way my magic works. Like Jessica, if she were to send a message it would freeze and burst into snow that's like fine dust."

"That is so weird," I laughed, "so wait, Justin isn't a witch. How do you get it back?"

"It's spelled, he has to write on it, crinkle it in his hand and toss it in the air," she explained, "then it'll pop up right in front of me." Just like clock work the paper appeared back on the table flat.

"What did he say?" I asked.

Her eyebrows furrowed and she got real serious, "they're in trouble. He said he's trapped, he doesn't know where the others are. We left and then a bunch of other people showed up and they took all of us down. I tried but I couldn't. I'm in a cell right now. I think we are still at the place Jace was at."

She grabbed her things and ran outside. 

"Woah woah what are you doing?" I stood up.

"I have to help them," she said, "I have to."

"Kira stop for one second, please," I walked to her, "you have been going non stop for days, weeks. You need a break."

"I can have one when they are safe," she shook her head, "when he is safe."

"What is so special about him?" I asked.

She snapped her head to me, "are you serious? He helps save your life and THAT is what you ask? He's like a little brother to me, he's something to me. He means something. I am not going to let him get hurt and I am NOT going to let him go down for helping me get you out!" She started her truck, "now are you coming or are you staying?" 

"AARGH," I moaned, "okay. Hold on. Let me grab a few things." 

I ran back inside and grabbed food, some drinks, and some extra clothes just in case. I grabbed my phone and got in the truck, "what about Alex? Jessica?"

"On their way," she looked at me, "sorry for exploding."

I smiled and kissed her, "that was not exploding. That was just you popping, it's okay. You're okay. I'm not made and if I were you I probably would have done the same thing." I kissed her forehead and about 15 minutes later, Alex and Jessica pulled into the driveway. They got in the truck and she started driving. 

"So what exactly is happening?" Alex asked. 

"Justin and his pack are in trouble," she sighed, "when we left with Jace, Justin and his pack were going to finish Ron. I don't know what happened. He said many people showed up and they were able to take down his entire pack. He doesn't know where anyone is. He's locked up in a cell right now." 

"How are we going to get him out?" Jessica asked. 

"I am going to walk in there," she drove, "you will all be cloaked and you will wait outside until something happens. You will try to stay cloaked as long as possible." 

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