Chapter 13

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My eyes snap open. The room is dark and the alarm on my night table states that it's 3:37 am. I let out an inaudible groan. 'This is too early' I say to myself. I close my eyes and instantly know I wouldn't be able to fall asleep again, not after that dream.

A flash and I'm back in my dream.

"What's wrong Mitch?" The figure in front of me asks. His voice echos and it takes a second for me to focus on the man in front of me. It's Jerome and he's leaning over me. His face wears a smirk. His eyes rips away from mine as he stares at my lips. "Thought you wanted this?" His face gets nearer and I realize what he's going to do.

I'm back in my room and I find myself wanting to go back to my dream. Maybe that's why I've woken up. Jerome woke me up. I want so badly to go and visit him, but I am sure I wouldn't be able to; the guards at the cemetery wouldn't let me, I just know it.

I take a minute to think this over and eventually decide that now would be the best time to see him, the boys won't let me see him any other time. I sit up, and find it is hard for me to move. At first I start to panic, why can't I move? Am I paralyzed?

My thoughts are inturrupts by a soft snore. I'm hit with confusion as I try to look to see who it is. Preston is there, sound asleep. "Wha-?" I stop my retorical question when I hear him shifting is weight; he ends up closer to me. His arm is draped over my torso and his head is resting next to my shoulder. I tipe toe to the door, I dont know why he is in my bed, I can ask him when I get back from where i am going.

With my free arm, I gently lift his arm and sit up. He continues to snore against the pillows. I swing my legs to the floor and stand up.

I nearly stumble down the stairsand I curse myself for making noises. I reach the bottom of the stairs and look around. everywhere is dark, so i assume that no one is up. I spy the keys laying on the kitchen counter, I grab them, and i make my way to my the front door.

I almost decide writing a note to the boys saying where I am going and when I'll probably be back, but I decide not to, they probably wont care. I get into my car, turn it on and drive out of the driveway.

I walk the dirt path; everything here looks tons more spookier here at night than at any other time of day. I'll just leave when ot if they tell me to. I stop him just as easily as i would at daytime, I sit down.

"Hey Jerome," I say, my voice is craked from not being used for hours, but i dont care, and hopefully he doesnt mind either. i mean, Im here for him. "Its been a while since I've talked to you.. like two days, yeah?" I chuckle at my lame attempt of a joke. I take a deep breath, "I was thinking of bringing you new flowers-"

"who are you?" I stop mid-sentence and jump a bit. "You realize that you can't be here at night, right?" A guard stands about ten feet away from Jerome and me; he holds a flashlight.

I stand up. "O-oh, um, sorry. I w-was just-" I didn't realize that i was tearing up until he says I am, then I apoligize again. "S-sorry, I- um." I wipe my tears. "Sorry, I just really miss him." I finally say.

The guard clicks off his flashlight. "Hey, its ok.. um.." I can tell he feels awkward so I try to hold myself together, but I cant. "Here, I'm the only one on duty right now, I'll let you stay." he scratches his head awkwardly.

"Really? Thank you so much." I say. I feel bad for him having to deal with me, but I don't say that. He gives me a small smile, turns, and walks away.

I sit back down and stare at the patch of grass growing over Jerome. "what was I saying?" I ask more to myself than to him. I rememer it almost as soon as I finish my sentence. "Oh yeah, flowers. I was going to get you some, I swear I was, but the shop was closed. I mean thats the least I could do for you, you had to deal with me." I sigh and look at the almost wilted flowers from a couple days ago.

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