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I wrote this at 1 a.m. because my teenage angst really came out LMFAO.

It's 1 in the morning and I'm bawling my eyes out.
Can't even keep the track of things I'm crying about.

Betrayal, confusion, jealousy, there are a thousand things I wanna say,
But if you ask me how I'm doing I'd just say I'm okay.

Because I bottle it up and shut myself out until I just explode,
I'm on the train down to another breakdown, come on come aboard.

Life isn't even that bad but my head is a mess of thoughts,
Overthinking, questions, doubts, insecurities and what-bloody-nots.

Understandably, I don't want to think about things I really feel,
So I live in fake scenarios that are far too embarrassing to reveal.

I cope through broken humour, 24/7 music and a lot of caffeine,
And I wake up a minute before my classes, just your average teen.

- Pari

"My music is loud, my coffee is hot and my alarm is always snoozed,
Because 'physically I'm fine, emotionally I'm bruised'.

Eyes Bleed GoldWhere stories live. Discover now