I carry Hope

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The sun rises through the horizon,
And I bask in it's light, as if it's the antitode to my poison.

Because warmth is what I lack, warmth is what I need,
For I can't roam the streets, for I'm not yet freed.

Sitting behind the metal bars in a place unnamed,
Tied by heavy chains, like an animal to be tamed.

What's my crime you ask, it's just that I exist this way,
It's the colour of my skin, my gender or the God to whom I pray.

It's not my fault really the world is just unfair,
It's the fault of power and pride which has lead us to dispair.

But I'll just rot in here, until someone out there fights,
Against the prejudices, against the denial of my rights.

I will survive because I think one day the world will cope,
I'll be waiting because I carry hope.

- Pari

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