I Love...

55 3 3

Do yuh guys like when I update realleh fast or somewhat slowleh..?

I wake up in a light colored room. I try to sit up but I can't. I groan to see if someone will notice. I look beside me to see a window with the blinds down.

"Someone..." I call out in hope someone will notice.

"Ana?" A feminine voice asks sounding tired.

I turn my head and wince at the movement. I'm surprised by the person that I see sitting in the chair in the corner of the room. I look as she wipes her eyes and gives me a toothy smile.

"Heyo," Rena grins, "You took quite a fall I heard. It's all over the internet. I can't believe Dell-"

"Where's Dell!?!" I ask frantically trying to sit up, but end up hurting myself.

"H-he, he's okay."

"It doesn't sound like he is."

"Want to go see him? He's probably sleeping. I think his girlfriend went home a while ago."

"How? And what time is it?"

"It's probably around 10 'o clock."

Rena stands up and walks over to me. She observes me closely and as she does I start to notice myself.

My hands are shaking as I try and lift them to look at them. they're bandaged but you can see a faint color of red trying to escape. I look down at my buckling knees and see them bandaged too. I only fell... I guess i hit pretty hard.

"Woah!" I exclaim as I'm being lifted from my bed to a wheelchair, "You're really strong."

"Vampire strength," Rena answers knowingly as she wheels me out into the dimly lit hallways.

As she wheels me around the empty hallways the lights brighten a little. I look at the the identical doors waiting to turn to the one that Dell is currently in.

What even happened?

I was listening to music as i crossed the street. I was violently pushed forward. I fell to the ground. I started bleeding. I saw Dell. He was bleeding and my vision couldn't really focus where. I saw Ashley come over. I blacked out.

We turn into a room lit with only machine lights and a dim light above. I look around and no one is here except for us and Dell. Rena pushes me closer to Dell. I can hear his every breath as he lays asleep under the light covers.

"Dell..." I reach my injured shaking hand to his. I grasp his hand and hold it in mine.

His hand is fairly warm. I look back to Rena and she nods knowingly. She backs out of the room slowly and waits outside the room.

"I'm so sorry Dell. This is all my fault. I'm such a terrible person," My eyes start tearing up, "I can't believe you saved me after everything I did to you. you could have died and it would have been all my fault. I'm so, so, so, so, sorry Dell."

"Ashley?" His voice trails as his eyes flutter.

I feel as if my heart literately shattered that very second.

How could he have thought that was Ashley?

Tears start to fall faster from my eyes.

I wipe my face as he turns his head and stares at me blankly.

"Hey," He says without emotion.

"Hi," I reply.

The room is silent. He doesn't say anything. i want him to say something. Anything. I just want to know if he still cares. I want to hear him say something. Something to remind me who he is. I want him to say 'I love you'.

Anastasia CattsWhere stories live. Discover now