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WA Chat (Lan Wangji and Jiang Yanli)
LWJ: Li-jie. Hi! This is Lan Wangji.
JYL: Hi, Wangji! Is there anything I can do to help?
LWJ: As a matter of fact, I have a favour to ask.

JYL: Sure, go ahead.

LWJ: So, it’s Wei Ying’s birthday this Saturday, right? I wanted to throw a surprise party for him but I am really bad at all this planning. So, I wanted to ask if you could help?

JYL: Of course!

LWJ: But only the planning and not the heavy-lifting, alright? I don’t want you to stress about it.

JYL: Oh! How thoughtful of you, Wangji! You really are a gem. How about I rope in everyone to work for me instead. Does that work?

LWJ: Of course it does, Li-jie. I will take care of distracting Wei Ying, so I won’t be able to take full part in the preps but I will help wherever I can.

JYL: Oh you sweet boy!

JYL: Q, here. What did you say that made Yanli start tearing up randomly?

LWJ: What? Nothing!

JYL: Oh nevermind she is just hormonal. 😅

JYL: Ok, I am back.

LWJ: I love how you keep Q in line, Li-jie. 😉

JYL: LOL, Qing says the same thing about Xian.

LWJ: He does. So, I will leave it in your capable hands to take care of this, Li-jie?

JYL: Yes, don’t you worry about it. I got this.

LWJ: Cool! Thanks, Li-jie.

JYL: You're welcome, Wangji!
WA Chat (Elder Sibs)
JYL: Guys!! It’s Xian’s birthday this Saturday. Wangji wants to throw a surprise party for him. What Ddo you say?

JGY: Sure! It’s halloween too, right? Then the theme is decided.

LXC: How about doing it at the Lan residence?

WQ: Aah yes, the love struck bad boy would definitely want the party to be on his turf and on his terms. So the Lan residence it is.

NMJ: Now, the real question. What’s on the menu?

JYL: Should be Xian’s favourite.

NMJ: Can I at least choose the booze?

JYL: Yes you can.

JGY: Can we invite the children as well?

JYL: Oh that’s a brilliant idea. We haven’t seen them in sometime. So let’s.

JYL: I will let Cheng know and he can rope in Sang and Ning.

LXC: Cool! Btw, Li. You better not over exert yourself. You have us, so just order us to do everything. We would be happy to help.

NMJ: What he said.

JGY: What both the loves of my life said. 

WQ: We will still grill you three, so be prepared for that.

NMJ: We have nothing to share.

JYL: Oh but you will.

LXC: Qing is really rubbing off on you, Li 😅.

JYL: Just letting you know, I am a chef and I am really good with knives.

JYL : And yeah, she does.

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