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"So, where are you exactly taking us?" Wei Wuxian asked Huaisang, who had been acting mysterious throughout the whole drive.
"Just wait and see. There will be hordes of new people there, and I hope you get to make some new friends outside of your sketchbook."
"Hey, I love to sketch. Besides, I have you guys."
"I'm your brother, it doesn't count." Jiang Cheng scoffed from the back seat. "Oh and why am I in the back seat, huh?"
"Uh, because you're the youngest, Chengcheng", Wuxian quipped.

"Guys, we're here." Huaisang parked the car on the curb and got out. Wuxian was still trying to figure out why they were in the middle of a street with so many people milling about. It looked like a party except most of them looked suspiciously like gang members with tattoos on their bodies and smoking cigarettes and drinking beer. There were about eight high-end motorcycles lined up in a straight line at one end of the street.
"What's this? Is this street racing? Oh my god Nie fucking Huaisang! This is illegal, isn't it? What if we get caught by the police? Madam Yu will kill me for sure!"

"Relax Xian, the police won't come here, some of these people know people in high places." Huaisang pointed to a tall man, with his hair almost reaching to his shoulders and an angelic face, standing near one of the motorcycles, talking to an equally tall and beautiful man with short hair. He didn't see the other person's face as they were facing away from them. Even from the back, the other guy looked delicious with broad shoulders and a narrow waist. Wei Wuxian was pretty sure women would be swooning over him all the time. "That is Lan Xichen, the one with the long hair. He is from the richer-than-gods Lan family. And the one he is talking to is his younger brother, Lan Wangji, the King of the Road, who has the record of the most wins in any of the street racing in this city."
"Right..." Xian forced a smile. He looked around and found that this place was not like anything he ever frequented. He felt uncomfortable, but before he could do anything about it, a leather clad girl walked out in front of the bikers with a white handkerchief. She raised her hand and pointed to the bikers shouting, 

"Bikers ready?"
"Ready!" The racers shouted back.
"Timer, ready?" She shouted again.
Someone from the side shouted, "Ready!"
"Then, let's race! 3, 2, 1... " She raised her hand towards the sky and brought it down swiftly shouting, "GO!!!"
Wei Wuxian watched with eyes wide as saucers as the racers zoomed past her, her hair catching the draft. Everyone cheered, the noise defeaning.
The race had started, and Huaisang dragged him along closer to the finish line. With hundreds of other people around.


"Great race huh? The King always wins, and the after party is always fun!" Huaisang gave Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian a bottle of beer each. "Look at the crowd, it's packed! What do you think Xian?"
But Wei Wuxian did not hear the last part, because at that time he was approached by one of his classmates, Jin Zixun.
"Oh? What do we have here? Nerdy Wei Wuxian has come to the after race party? Won't your mama look for you? It's already past your bedtime, right?" Then he laughed with his friends.
Wei Wuxian, who always avoided confrontation, decided to ignore him, and walk away from the annoying boy.
"Eh? How dare you walk away from me? I'm not done talking to you, NERD. Hahaha such an ugly looking nerd at that. Where did you get your clothes from, Salvation army?" He raised his voice, making some people around them turn towards their direction.
"Zixun, stop it, we're just here for a little bit of fun." Huaisang tried to drag Wei Wuxian away from Zixun's crowd, but Zixun grabbed Wuxian's arm, making him wince in pain.
"Not so fast, nerd. You know what? I really want to punch your holier-than-thou face since the first day of school, always sucking up to the teacher. Tell me, did you fuck him? Is that why you always have perfect grades?"

"Now you're getting out of line, Zixun, let him go please, we don't want any trouble..." Huaisang signaled Jiang Cheng to prepare to run if anything happened.
"Are you for real, Zixun? How many times have you failed this semester? I heard you only got one more chance to fix your grades, otherwise you would have to repeat a year. Such a shame, really. So, I think it would be in your favour if you start being nice to me. What would you know? I might decide to help you if I feel generous". Wei Wuxian shrugged dramatically at Zixun, making him see red. He closed his eyes and readied himself to be punched...but the punch never came. Instead, a big hand held the punch just inches away from his face, and then twisted it until Zixun cried out in pain letting go of Wuxian's arm in the process.

One word with the deep and cold voice, and Jin Zixun paled. He backed away while shouting, "I will get back at you, bitch! Just you wait and see!"
Wei Wuxian only rolled his eyes at that. "Hey there, thanks for your help..." he bowed down as a sign of respect, and when he straightened up, he was met with the most beautiful face he'd ever seen in his life. The man's golden gaze was focussed on his face, making it difficult for Wuxian to breathe.
Holy mother of God!
Wei Wuxian thought to himself as he was dumbstruck. The man knew his effect on other people. He gave Wuxian a devilish lop-sided grin as he suddenly grabbed him around the waist and yanked him towards him. Wuxian collided with the rock-hard chest, his hands landing on the man's shoulder for purchase.

"There are more ways to thank me, you know? Are you free after this?" He whispered very close to Wuxian's ear so that only for him to hear. The low timbre of the man's voice slid down Wuxian's back like warm honey, making him weak in his knees. Had to mentally slap himself to clear his head clouded with lust. He pushed himself away from the drop-dead gorgeous man and backed away.
"Thanks, but no thanks. I don't want anything to do with your...kind." He then turned around and grabbed Huaisang and Jiang Cheng. "Let's go. This place sucks. Too many assholes here for my liking."
Lan Wangji was stunned. No one had ever refused him. No one.
And now this.. man, this beautiful man with piercing gray eyes, looked at him like he had crawled out from under a rock. He didn't know if he wanted to laugh or cry. All he knew for certain was that he wanted that man. Maybe it was the thrill of the chase or just the soft aura surrounding the man like a halo that made him want him even more now. Just when Lan Wangji was about to go after him, he heard a familiar laugh beside him.

"This is the first time I have seen someone refuse the mighty Lan Wangji. I should have recorded it so that I had proof of this happening. No one would believe me."
"Don't be such a bitch, Qing. I am not in the mood."
"Ooh? Just because some man rejected you? And I never knew you swing that way, I thought you and I are on the same side and I would have to fight you tooth and nail to get a girlfriend. Speaking of girlfriend, incoming at 6 o'clock." She smirked at him.
"She's not my girlfriend and I'm not in the mood for her, can you get rid of her for me? Please? Pretty please? I will get you that rare part you have wanted so much."

"Resorting to bribery now huh, Lan Wangji? But I need that part, so, okay, and you owe me a lot more than that..." Wen Qing grabbed Lan Wangji and kissed him passionately. She saw from the corner of her eyes that the so-called girlfriend stopped in her track, getting all red, turned around and left.
Wen Qing stopped kissing, and shoved Lan Wangji away.
"You're a great kisser, Qing, for a lesbian." He flashed his bad boy grin to her.
"And, with that comment alone, you owe me double." She turned around and waved at him. "See you at the garage tomorrow, prepare my gift!"

Lan Wangji chuckled. He had a special fondness for his best friend. Wen Qing was a pretty woman. But that was not why he liked her. He liked her because of her straightforward attitude. She never minced her words and called Wangji out whenever necessary. He could always count on her to have his back. She was among the very few people who didn't care about his riches or his looks. Which brought his thoughts back to the mystery man he had just saved from Zixun. 

I will find you little bunny. You ain't running away from me that easy.

First Time For Everything [WangXian FF]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang