epilouge + (a/n)

19 3 9

Taehyung was guided out of his cell by the jailers after spending 8 years in prison for the murder of his father. After all these years as he grew up mentally and physically, he accepted the fact that he should just move on from his past and look forward to the future, hopefully with her.

The 24 year old relished in the feeling of sunlight descending upon his body for the first time in years. He felt like a butterfly coming out of his cocoon. He stood there for what felt like eternity staring at the bustling  city of seoul.

His chocolate brown eyes landed on a women stepping out of a car with a flower bouquet in her arms. She struggled to close the car door with the huge bouquet of colourful flowers blocking her vision and eventually she just decided on kicking the door shut. The sight made Taehyung chuckle.

The women looked dazzling with the sunlight hitting her heavenly features just right. Her silky hair flowing behind and framing her beautiful face.

She wore casual clothing just like any other person in a sunny day but it looked better on her than anyone he had ever seen. She was the most beautiful being he had ever laid his eyes on, from the tip of her hair to the nail of her toe, she was ethereal.

The women walked closer to the man and handed the flowers to him.

Taehyung looked at her and uttered out

“ Song Hyerin

Hyerin smiled at him with such warmth that rivaled the sunlight sinking in his body.

“ Kim Taehyung, its been a while ”

Suddenly, her eyes met his and it felt like electricity passed between them,
And he smiled.

Suddenly, her eyes met his and it felt like electricity passed between them,And he smiled

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Hello there,
how was it?

And to clear some things

O1: Tae and Hyerin were both 16 when they first met.

O2: Hyerin left the notes on his desk during the last class as they both shared it.

O3: Taehyung's father severely injured his mother before taehyung stabbed him to death with a half broken alcohol bottle, his mother was admitted to the hospital but she didn't survive.

O4: hyerin owns her own small business as a 24 year old, providing her enough to maintain a comfortable life till Taehyung finds a job.

O5: Hyerin still has her beloved cats, ari and mico.

O6: marry me? Jk jk
Unless  (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Do let me know if I missed something and feel free to ask me about any doubts regarding the story, lets be friends lolol

Its been quite a ride I (j)hope,
I mean I did write this story in two days (j)hopefully it didn't feel rushed :9

This story starts my writing journey
and (j)hopefully you will stay here with me.

If you liked this story I'm happy to inform you I will soon be posting a jungkook story as well.

Here's the preview


❛❛ if there is an infinity beyond the stars I'm willing to go there to reach you ❜❜

+ where he tried to talk to his dead girlfriend one last time.

(J)Hope to see you on there as well
Thank you for reading Orphic <3

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