Chapter 5: UnforeseenVictory

Start from the beginning

Seeing Haruko's appearance made Sakuragi excited, well that was obvious to me since there were no other explanation for that and all we could do now, like before, is to watch the battle as it continues.

The captain successfully passed through Sakuragi and was about to shoot his final shot under the ring, but unbeknownst to us, Sakuragi showed his true skills.

He blocked the captain's shot with his repetitive jumping and blocking. It's as if seeing multiple Sakuragi's mid air.

"Oh! That's amazing!"

"All the shooting routes are blocked!"

"It's like a wall!"

"That's the special skill that only people with unlimited strength and explosiveness can do!"

"That's God-like!"

The students were now amazed to see Sakuragi's defense. And through his defense, the captain loosened his hands which made the ball fall from his grasp.

"The ball is loose!" I yelled.

The two quickly scrambled their way to catch the ball. A loud thud echoed through as Sakuragi hit the ground.

"I-Is he okay? He hit the ground so violently!" One of the student's asked.

"Where is the ball?" The captain said as he gently gripped on his chin, trying to relieve the pain.

"Hehehe... Got it!"

The crowd went wild as we saw Sakuragi with the ball, handling it between his arms.

"Wow! He finally stole the ball!"

"This novice took the ball away from the captain of the basketball team!"

"He's good!"

The crowd seemed to cheer to Sakuragi, the cheers are wilder than ever.

"Good job!" "Yeah!! Go Sakuragi!" The group and I cheered in unison.

"That's great! Now everyone knows what skills Sakuragi-kun has! Yes, I knew he was good at this!" Haruko was also cheering for her friend which I though was very cute.

"Wasn't she trying to stop the game in the first place?" Yohei commented and replied by his friends with a "Yeah."

"Well, what's more important now is for him to score for himself." I added but was ignored by the others as more students came to bid.

"Come on, come on! It's not too late to make your bids!" Yuji exclaimed to the students.

"I bet Sakuragi's gonna win!"

"Me too!" "Same here!"

"I can tell he's gonna win just by looking." "Yeah, he's better than normal!" The students commented as they bid their win to Sakuragi which was overheard by us, I and Yohei.

"I'll have to agree with you in this one! Because he's our pal, that's why." Nozomi added which put a smile to Yohei's face.

I chuckled to see Noma and the others getting more clients from the bid. "Well what do you know? These people came first only for fun, but now almost everyone are rooting for Sakuragi." I commented to Yohei who seemed very happy.

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