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It seemed a lifetime before Serena heard his trademark knock on the hotel door.

There were butterflies in her stomach, and her heart... it was going to give her an arrest any time. She looked around the elegant suite before crossing the carpeted hall to open the door.

Her mouth went totally dry when she saw the tall, handsome man on the doorstep. This didn't feel right but it definitely was exciting, dangerous even. A thrill of the forbidden. She really shouldn't have done this.

She couldn't find anything to say to him. Her heartbeat was killing her.

A mocking smile was pasted on his mouth. His eyes were teasing her mercilessly, though he remained silent as she.

'Aren't you going to invite me in?'

She felt stupid as a faint blush crept to her cheeks. She stepped aside to make room for him. She's no lovesick teenager to act this way. She could not help but follow him to where the bed was.

Now they were less than a foot away, facing each other, but he made no move to touch her, hold her.

'We really need this suite?' His voice held a teasing quality. There was no question about that. It was evident in the way his unbelievable blue eyes regarded her.

Somehow, it afforded her a little confidence.

Her eyes were brilliant and she could not help giving a light laugh.

'Last time I went to your office, let's say I was terribly disappointed,' she replied like a lady in disdain, 'so I ruled out tackling you there."

"Tackling?" he gave a short laugh.

"The thought of a new secretary catching his boss in a passionately, erotic embrace could very well be embarrassing for you."

His mouth was then sensual. "Passionately erotic?"

"I ordered champagne and chocolates before I called you,' Serena declared nonchalantly.

'What you told me on the phone, say it again,' he challenged gently, and his eyes held hers for the longest time.

'You hear it often enough,' she stalled.

"I want to be sure."

"I love you," she admitted shyly.

He suddenly pulled her to his warm torso. His lips grazed her soft mouth, her earlobes, "I love you, too, Sweetheart. Nothing would ever be the same if you don't anymore. You mean the world to me,' he drawled huskily. 'My fair, fiery, sweet love,' he continued emotionally.

"All those time I wasted,' she said regretfully. 'Cold nights without you,' she clarified.

'I longed for you terribly.'

She gasped as he covered her mouth in a searing kiss that left her weak.

'Don't blame yourself,' Darien said. 'We'll make it this time, if not in another lifetime.'

"You don't really believe that." She knew him that well.

"I want to."

Her eyes were sparkling as she put her arms around his neck.

'Do you have to go back to work?'

'As I have no secretary until now, my work has piled up,' he said.

'That's okay, then. I'm thinking of visiting my Dad with Lita.'

He felt her buttocks, and she basked in the warmth of his body as he held her tighter against him, kissing her lips hard but sweetly. 'Drop Lita. I'm coming with you.' She could feel the tip of his tongue behind her ear, and a shudder ran through her.

NEVER BROKEN: A SailorMoon FanfictionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon