The Convenient Arrangement

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"Mr. Portman, sorry to have kept you waiting." The secretary wasn't out for more than sixty seconds. "Mr. Lawson would see you now."

She led the way and retreated respectfully when the patriarch of the Lawson corporation stood up to greet James Portman.

"James. It is you." Gerhard Lawson was eighty years old and aging. There was not really a hint of surprise in his recognition. It was as if the old man was expecting this visit.

"Glad to see you're doing well," James returned. The old man motioned for him to sit and he complied.


He's one heck of a businessman, James thought. Gerhard Lawson started ACE AUTOMOBILES some five decades ago. His son and James best friend—Donovan Lawson did not inherit a quarter of the patriarch's skill, neither the latter's formidability. Instead, the gift skipped a generation and evolved in the person of Darien Lawson, Donovan's firstborn.

The support of ACE AUTOMOBILES was what DISCS, Ltd., James company, needed.

"You were with this company first before those microchip giants convinced you to work for them. You'll always have a place with us," the old man said after the pleasantries were over.

"You seem to forget that I have my own business now," he replied.

"No. How could I? Just as I remember that you're the one who helped me when my son was devastated after his wife left him. It was your determination that motivated him to get his life back. I haven't done anything to repay you. Not that I ever could." Whatever Gerhard's faults, the fact that he doted on his son too much must be his ultimate downfall.

"Don't mention it. Don was bound to come around," James dismissed. He wasn't mistaken. Gerhard knew the reason for this call. James knew that the old man would not mention his gratefulness for the sake of polite conversation.

"Maybe. But you had been of great help. Tell me if i could return the favor in any way," he almost pleaded.

"A merger between us is not possible." Not even the prospect that Gerhard offered could prevent bile from rising to James's mouth. Damn, he had no business feeling so proud.

"No," Gerhard conceded.

"My company needs a good front. I need to show them that you'll back us up even if you really won't. Also I would not require that you help—"

"Financially assist you, you mean."

"No, not really."

"So it's not about money, eh," Gerhard Lawson stated.

"No," James Portman said. "I want your grandson to marry my daughter. If you feel like owing me anything in the past, consider it paid in full after this."

"Is time running out for Darien to make a move, then?" He would not agree.

"I can keep negative information from the Press for a month at most. After that, our reputation depends on whether there is going to be a marriage or not."

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