Ever After

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Serena gave herself three days before she returned to Darien's house to collect her things. She felt like she had mustered enough courage by then. It was not like he was going to be there and she needed to face him.

She deliberately went there on a weekday. The housekeeper was out and Darien would surely be in his office.

It was a good thing that Darien left her suitcase from Seoul in the hospital. At least she had a decent enough wardrobe for a week. Lita offered her a room in her apartment without questions, and she gratefully accepted. In a week or two the house where she and her dad lived would be available for occupation. Darien insisted on renovating it when she went to live with him.

Serena was planning on asking Lita for her old job in the pastry shop. Her father was still recuperating in the hospital and Serena was hoping that he wouldn't ask her a lot of questions about the end of her relationship with Darien.

Darien wanted a divorce? She felt pained at the thought. Or did he believe that she wanted a divorce so he was giving it to her? She wished she had one last chance to straighten their relationship or lack of it. She couldn't find the strength to get up anymore. She just wanted to sleep, hoping it would dull the pain and make her forget.

The last time they had been apart, she wasn't aware how much she loved him. And perhaps, his insistence that there would be no divorce acted like a safety net for her poor heart. That must be the reason why she survived that break up. This time, it was as if he couldn't wait to divorce her. Did he do that because he discovered that she loved him? Was he afraid that she would cling on to him like a vine? Was it his goal to make her fall in love with him and then leave him? She needed to ask him those questions.

Her keys to Darien's house was still with her. She had checked with the housekeeper the day before about Darien's schedule. She also informed Mrs. Wyatt that she would remove her things. Mrs. W offered to help but Serena refused, afraid that the older woman would notice her tears.

Smelling the homey, familiar scent of the house was pure torment. It was a wrong move to insist on packing her own things. She should have agreed when Darien suggested that he would have it sent to where she'd be staying.

She blinked several times to keep the tears from falling. Oh, she loved him so much!

She even sent him a goodbye email. She wasn't sure he'd read it in time, but she hoped it would at least clear some of the misunderstandings.

She look at her engagement and wedding rings on her left hand. She didn't want to surrender them without a fight, but did she still have the right to wear them? She took them from her finger and placed them on the bedside table in the master bedroom.

Her email was just a combination of dull words. She couldn't possibly tell Darien that he loved him when he had no use for her feelings.

She wished that her email would tell him of her pain, her bitterness at their separation, or of her love for him, but she couldn't find the words. She placed the keys near the rings and rose to her feet as she wiped the tears away from her eyes using the back of her hand. The quicker she gathered her things, the sooner she would be able to leave.

Could it be that she was prolonging this task because she wanted to replay the memory of the nights she spent in this room in Darien's arms?

At last, she finished her packing. She took a last look around the room. Would Darien notice the difference in the cabinets that had once held her clothes? As those thoughts only made her heart heavier, she hastily picked up her suitcase and slipped on her shoulder bag.

She couldn't see clearly because of her tears. She walked into the living room and stiffened when she noticed Darien's form sitting in the black sofa. She blinked several times to ascertain that her vision was not cheating her. It was pure pain to see him again. But it was also heaven to be able to stare openly again at the man she loved so very much.

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