Third Wheels

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Serena spent her morning looking after her father in the hospital. She was actually just talking to him, trying to make him feel comfortable.

"When did you last discuss me with Dr. Masters?" James tried to smile.

"I wouldn't dare, Dad," she teased. Smiling, she said, "He told me that you're responding well to the new treatment. I don't see Diam these days," she remarked, just curious that the man wasn't as keen with her father's case as before.

"His father said Diam's putting up his own practice. The boy's good enough for it, if you ask me." James looked at her face. "You look more beautiful, princess. Could it be because of that red-haired man that replaced me at Discs, Ltd?"

Serena was really clueless as to what her father was talking about.

James continued. "The nurses were talking about Alain, I'm sure. And how he was out of his wits not knowing where you were last time."

Serena shifted a little in her seat, her heart beating a little faster. She hadn't told her father about going back to Darien in all the times she'd been to see him.

"Yes, he was with Molly," she said evasively.

"And who were you with?"

His father had always given her the benefit of the doubt, telling her that there were at least three sides, not only two, to a story. She felt like a little girl again. A spoiled brat.

"I was with Darien, Dad." She involuntarily tilted her head, looking directly at him.

To her confusion, James smiled. "I noticed the rings." He looked at her left hand. "I thought the nurses wouldn't be that envious of my daughter if it was only for Alain."

"Dad, you're mocking me. I know you never liked Darien." She felt her cheeks grow warm.

"Yes. That was half the problem, wasn't it?"

"Was it such a ruckus? With the nurses, I mean?"

"No, they were quiet about it as quiet can be. I think they were talking loudly here in my room only to exact information about the dark-haired man."

"You're the worst, Dad." She put her nose in the air.

James laughed. "I knew it was Darien, even before you told me. Maybe I would have sensed it even without the rings. Your loyalty bothers me."

"Dad, it's not loyalty. At least, it's not just that."

"I know. And I know that you've been seeing him while I was sick. Whether it was deliberate or by coincidence, I'm not sure. Remember when you were going to get married? You asked me if I believed in fate, in destiny. Remember that?"

She nodded. She just wasn't sure if destiny was a good thing to hold onto right now.

"I was seeing him while you were at home. Both by design and accident." She looked him in the eye.

"I'm sorry for not being more sensitive to your feelings."

"Dad, there's no need."

"It's true. I've been selfish. I should have pushed you towards him, not away from him. Your first responsibility is to your husband. But when you came back here, it was to take care of me, not to rebuild your relationship. And all because of your distorted view of loyalty."

"I may be loyal. But I also love you. You know that."

"Yes, and I used it to my own means."

"Please, Dad, don't do this to yourself. Anyway, does it mean that you don't mind that Darien and I are back together again?"

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