Rewrite (Canada × Reader)

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Its been so long since you've seen your friend Matthew, we would always write letters from Canada. But for the last few months they just stopped, you've asked your mutual friends if they have heard from him. You even asked his brothers, no one has heard from him in months. He was always antisocial and shy, but this was weird even for him. You have been leaving him text messages over your social media and he hasn't even seen one of them.

"I hope he gets back to me soon... I miss him. I haven't even told him that I loved him yet, I was going to confess when I got the next letter and now... I haven't heard anything for months" looking at your cup of tea holding back tears trying not to look like a huge cry baby like your friend Feli.

"Face it Y/n he's missing... He's not coming back" your best friend spat seeming hostile and annoyed with how much youve talked about Matthew.

You flinched and set down the cup. Gathering your thoughts you stood up glaring at your best friend.

"Shut the fuck up. You should be trying to help me find him and what have you done?!?! Called his brother Alfred. All because you have a crush on him!! You haven't actually helped and jave been annoyed with the whole situation its almost like you had something to do with his disappearing..." You froze watching the non verbal ques of your so called best friend.

"I'm surprised you figured it out sweetheart. Not many people see through my disguise. Though I will say I'm impressed." They smirked standing up still holding their mug of coffee.

"H-how could you... You knew I loved him and I would have died for him!" You started backing towards the door. You felt your now ex-friend stare you down waiting for an opening

"This isn't who they are. Something is wrong, wake up Y/N this is just a bad dream come on wake up... Wake the hell up Y/N"

You were screaming on the inside trying to find a way out of this place out of this nightmare.

"I'm sure you would like to know my actual name... The name you've called me... F/N I've always hated that... Please call me Nox. I am a god of chaos and I have come to make sure that Matthew is gone from everyones memories and make sure you never find him alive." Nox smirked while raising his hand.

"God? They cant be serious everyone knows that humans can't be a god unless they have made a deal with a non-human" You watched Nox start using magic, it was like everything was in slow motion as your raised your arms to defend yourself. All you could think about was Matthew, his face, his smile, his beautiful eyes, the way he laughs shyly. Thats all you wanted, you wanted Matthew, you wanted to be with him, to tell him you loved him, that you wanted to leave your home. Unfortunately it looks like you won't have those

"I'm sorry Matthew... I couldn't save you this time." You closed your eyes as a bright light incased  the room.


You opened your eyes slowly, you slowly looked around the room and immediately noticed this was your room from your childhood. Sitting up you felt smaller, you weren't dead but you didn't feel alive.

"Ugh what a headache..." You rubbed your head and groaned before hearing a voice.

"I have given you the chance to try again. I know how much you loved the boy... He is one of my children, I have been watching you Y/N since the moment you were born. You truly are an angel on Earth. Save him this time. You might not get another chance.

You looked around the room trying to find the origin of the mysterious voice.

"No need looking for me, you can not see me but you can feel me. I am the ground, the trees, the sky, the rain, the wind, the ocean... The earth." The voice spoke softly, could this person really be the earth or were you going insane. As you were deep in thought, your mother knocked on the door

"Y/N dear, you got a letter from Matthew" she opened the door and handed you an envelope with Matthew's address and the date... Its two weeks before he went missing. Your eyes widened in realization. The Earth, is giving you an chance yo rewrite history and make sure that he doesn't go missing.

"Thank you mom," you smiled and took the letter. "I'm gonna actually give him a call later"


Well, guess I'm back. I feel bad for leaving once again. A lot has happened and lost all motivation to write for a long time. But I have some now and I can't wait to start writing again!!! I missed all you lovely people and I simply can not wait to hear from y'all again!

Remember stay beautiful and kind. ((ミ´ω'ミ))

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