ah i hate this plan of existence

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Sometimes i wonder what is there to life we live we die some without even Makin an name for there selfs some with everything and yet for the limit time on this earth we still care about other people actions that dont involve us and we still start drama its like we live to long and we get bored of live so fast we have to entertain ourselves woth things that other things would find stupid why am i bored of life at age 15 maybe because ive been shelter or maybe there no reason for me to care i have people who love me but still i burn from the inside my flame keeping me alive dimbs every day and i have no idea what im gonna do with my life i have vert little dreams dreams that all comes down to it are selfish that wont help anyone but my happyness why doi have such thoughts at my young age why can i be normal why doesn't anyone i know in real let me talk and tell mei have nothing to worry About why cant they tell good lies why must they cause drama i so hate drama i have such an fear of drama i cant tell when someone yelling is an joke or not im scared of being alone im broken and no one seems to notice not even the ones who see me every day

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