30 Days

32 1 0

I'm walking. Looking up, I see the blue sky and realize what a beautiful day it is. I stop and turn, my eyes wandering to Big Ben. It stands tall, almost as if it's protecting London. The wafting scent of biscuits floats to my nose. "Hey! Lila! You wanna try one?" It's Zander, running out of the bakery with a small brown paper bag. He heads over to me and quickly fishes one out. "Here!" Excitement taints his voice bringing a smile to my face.

I laugh and take a small bite of the biscuit. It's soft and chewy. An explosion of flavor rushes my mouth. My eyes widen in amazement. Turning to look at Zander's reaction, I grin. His eyes are as wide as the sun. A crescent smile plays across his face. My heart does a little jump.

His hand reaches for mine as we begin to walk the streets of England. "Well, we have one week left here. What do you want to do?"

"Anything. As long as I'm with you." Zander grins and scoops me up into a kiss.

"I love you," he says, his lips brushing my cheek.

"I love you, too."

"Ma'am? Ma'am."

A voice pushes through my dream. I don't want to wake up.

"Ma'am? Ms.Lila?" The voice is more urgent. Rough hands shake me.

No. Go away. I want to go back. Take me back to the dream.

Footsteps quickly leave the room. More come back. This time, there's another pair.


"She's unresponsive. I can't wake her up."

"Lila? It's me. Come back to me."

His voice draws open my eyes. Zander.

"I think we're fine here."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah." He gives her one of his gorgeous smiles.

She leaves.

"Remember pre-school?" He laughs, and I shut my eyes once more. "Remember how I pushed you down the stairs? And I threw glitter in your face? And how I bit you? Ah, those were the times. I guess that's as close to love as 5 year old's can get. I loved going to pre-school. Not because of the finger painting, but man that was fun. But because of you. You were my bestest friend and I loved playing with you. Even our parents were friends so it was easier to get together. I guess we made our parents become friends. And do you remember elementary school? We would spend hours playing in the sand underneath the slide. I put wood chips on your head and you laughed at me and threw them back. Even though we were in different classes, I would always ask to use the bathroom and walk by your room. I would look at you, and you would look at me. You would then casually ask to use the bathroom and then meet me. We would just run around in the halls and scream until some adult came and returned us to our classrooms."

A tear slips down my shut eyes. Zander quickly wipes it away and grabs my hand. He kisses it, and warmth from his skin radiates onto mine.

"I love you, Lila."

Another tear slides down my cheek.

"I love you, too." I can barely choke out the words.

I open my eyes.

Zander is crying quietly at my bed. I shut them again. It's too miserable to watch.

Suddenly, I feel his warm arms wrapping around my frail body. He returns to his seat.

He never leaves. He stays with me through the night gazing at the stars. The moonlight bounces off his eyes as his mind races. His lips slowly move, as if he's talking to the stars.

I drift off again. My heart hurts. I can't leave him.

It's not my time yet.

Let me stay.

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